but.....Since she was talking about becoming stronger, she might be the one who needed to become stronger the most!

Zenyuan Maki never wanted to experience the feeling of powerlessness again!

Besides, she still had an initial goal that she hadn't achieved!

Thinking of this, Zenyuan Maki said to Lin Fan:

"Speaking of getting stronger, the strongest person here right now is you, Lin Fan!

Even if we put all of us together, we may not be your opponent.

So, in this case, apart from you, there is no one else more suitable to train us.

Then Lin Fan......What is your secret to becoming stronger?"

Lin Fan was slightly stunned. The secret to becoming stronger?

What secret does he have to become stronger?

He can't say that he can copy other people's abilities, right?

But Lin Fan changed his mind. Although he couldn't teach these people any spell abilities, these things were innate. Even if he could teach, others wouldn't be able to learn.

But for Lin Fan, in addition to spells, his strongest point was physical skills!

Even if the system gave him the ability to copy, as long as he wasn't capped in terms of talent.

In terms of physical skills, Lin Fan was still the strongest!

Now he could teach these people fighting skills!

You know, no matter what kind of fighting skills it was. Whether it is a martial art or any other kind of martial arts, Lin Fan can almost master a few tricks!

It can be said that he is a walking dictionary of the martial arts world, a master of the martial arts world!

If he only teaches these people body building and fighting, it would be a waste of talent for Lin Fan!

Teaching them is definitely more than enough!

By the time of the exchange meeting, they will definitely be able to improve their physical fitness by a large margin.

Close combat is no longer their weakness!

Thinking of this, Lin Fan suddenly felt a sense of evil.

He suddenly remembered what Teacher Saitama said about how he became stronger.

Isn't this the perfect time to say this?

So Lin Fan answered Zenin Maki with these words:

"The secret to becoming stronger?

Okay! I’ll tell you today!"

Everyone immediately perked up when they heard this!

Lin Fan suppressed his smile and said seriously:

"First and foremost, the most important thing is!

Can you guys stick to this high-intensity training program?"

Fushiguro Megumi looked very calm on the surface, but in fact, he had already pricked up his ears and was ready to listen carefully.

What exactly is the secret that made Lin Fan so strong!

Zenin Maki couldn't contain her excitement at this time.

She clenched her fists, waiting for Lin Fan's answer.

The same was true for everyone present!

Lin Fan continued in a stern voice:

"The key to becoming stronger is persistence!

No matter how hard it is, you must persist! It took me many years to reach this level now!"

Everyone's eyes widened!

There was a light in their eyes!

What is the secret?

Lin Fan suddenly looked serious!

He said loudly:

"100 push-ups!

100 sit-ups!

100 squats!

Then run 10km!

These must be done every day!

And three meals a day must be eaten well!

No air conditioning in the summer!

As long as you can stick to it, you will become stronger!"

Everyone opened their mouths wide and was dumbfounded. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Lin Fan is not kidding, right?

These items seem.....It doesn't seem that difficult, does it?

Seeing the constipated expressions of the crowd, Lin Fan couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Everyone then realized that they were being fooled!

Seeing several people clenching their fists and looking unhappy.

Lin Fan quickly clapped his hands and continued:

"Okay, okay!

No more kidding!

It's not that easy to become stronger!

The future achievements of a sorcerer will most likely depend on talent!

Of course, if you want to make up for your shortcomings in close combat, you can train with me.

But my training.........But it's not as simple as I said before!

Now, I have to do at least 1,000 push-ups before morning exercise!

So you can learn from me, but you must master the limits of your body, so as not to end up with the opposite effect."

"1,000!!!???" Nobara Kugisaki exclaimed after hearing this.

"And it's just a warm-up exercise before morning training?" Panda was also shocked.

""Muyuhua!" Inujuan Ji also exclaimed.

Although Fushiguro Megumi was shocked, she did not exclaim, but fell into thinking.

Zenin Maki was also thinking at the same time.

To say that the sports training that Lin Fan mentioned before was easy for her to complete.

But when Lin Fan said that his warm-up exercise before morning exercise was 1,000 push-ups, this was a bit beyond her limit.

Although she could do it, it was very reluctant.

But now none of this matters!

What is important now is that Lin Fan's training method is definitely the most useful method for her!

She does not have the talent of a sorcerer!

But she has a physique that is beyond the reach of others!

As long as she insists on the same training as Lin Fan, becoming stronger is definitely just around the corner!

So although everyone was shocked at this moment.

But they all ignited their fighting spirit!

Zenin Maki's eyes were filled with unprecedented heat!

She said loudly:

"What are you waiting for!

Lin Fan! You do it first, and we will follow you!"

""Okay!" Lin Fan smiled and nodded.

A few hours later......

The people who were so eager to fight at the beginning now collapsed to the ground. They were too lazy to move.......

Even Zenin Maki, who had the best physique, slumped on the side of the playground.

Her clothes were already soaked with sweat, and her face was dripping with sweat.

At this moment, she looked with difficulty at Lin Fan, who was exercising madly on the playground.

He jumped rope so fast that it seemed as if he was jumping out of an afterimage.

Everyone shouted to give up!

This is not something a human can do!!! PS: Please subscribe to the full version!!! Please subscribe to your own version!!! Please support!!!

: ༒༺ღMa Quân Diệt Thếღ༻༒

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