But before Gojo Satoru could say anything more, Louhu attacked again!

He summoned a flame in his hand and slapped it on Gojo Satoru's head!

From the perspective, Gojo Satoru seemed to have been hit! His whole head was covered in flames!

Louhu flashed behind Gojo Satoru again.

Then he said with a wicked smile:

"It's not over yet!"

Another palm!

Louhu hit Gojo Satoru hard on the back!

A purple curse power surged out instantly!

Then accompanied by a huge flame explosion, thick smoke suddenly rose!

The two people were shrouded in thick smoke!

The two people who were watching the show on the side, Yuji Itadori suddenly exclaimed, and then asked with some concern:

"I hope nothing will happen to Teacher Gojo!"

Lin Fan smiled faintly and replied:

"Don't worry! No one in this world can hurt him unless he commits suicide!"

Yuji Itadori was relieved, but he did not forget to praise:

"As expected of Gojo Sensei!

I wish I could be as strong as him in the future!"

Lin Fan looked at Yuji Itadori meaningfully, then said with a smile:

"The future is uncertain, and it is not certain....."

Yuji Itadori looked at Lin Fan with some surprise.

Didn't he expect that he would have such high expectations of himself?

Then he grinned, nodded happily and said:

"Good! I will try my best!"

On the battlefield.

Louhu in the thick smoke sneered disdainfully:

"Is that all?

To put it bluntly, it is just overpraised by the weak!

Humans nowadays are really fakes!

Living in a false reality, the ugliness of all things really makes me sick!

The true power and the truth of reality, use your death to spread it!"

Lohu waved his hand, smiled and turned away.

He was considering whether to kill the two little ghosts in the distance as well!

Although he didn't know how one of them survived.

But now think about it carefully, maybe he was rescued by Gojo Satoru's ability of teleportation!

Louhu suddenly showed an evil smile.

It's better to kill them all!

"This set!......"Hasn't it been used just now?"

The sudden voice startled Louhu.

Gojo Satoru was standing in the smoke intact. He fanned the smoke in front of him,"Really, ahem, the ash is so big!"

Louhu turned around in disbelief.

He looked solemn and no longer showed a trace of relaxation.

He asked in a cold voice:


I already......!"

Gojo Satoru said casually:

"No, no, no!

To put it simply, you didn't hit it."

Lou Hu shouted in disbelief:

"How is that possible!

This time I really hit you!

You should be dead!"

Lin Fan, who was far away, watched Gojo Satoru display his power with admiration.

Then he said to Itadori Yuji:

"Watch carefully!

Gojo-sensei told you that he is invincible, but he is not kidding you!......It is indeed invincible!"

Yuji Itadori's eyes fell on Gojo Satoru, and he was mesmerized!

Is this the strength of the teacher?


On the other side,

Gojo Satoru answered Louhu's doubts.

At the same time, he also let him know the insurmountable gap between their strengths!

Gojo Satoru smiled and said:

"What you touch is the infinity between you and me."

Obviously Louhu couldn't understand.

Gojo Satoru smiled and waved,"Come! I'll show you!"

Gojo Satoru raised one hand and said with a smile: (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Reach out your hand and try to touch my hand.

Come on, come on!

Come on, come on! Try it!"

Louhu's face was gloomy as he thought carefully. (bifc) No intention to kill?......

Why not give it a try!

Louhu came in front of Gojo Satoru and stretched out his hand to try to touch him.


Louhu's eyes widened!


No matter how hard Louhu tried, his hand could not move forward even a little bit towards Gojo Satoru!

Gojo Satoru smiled and said:

"Look at it."

Louhu looked at the two pairs of palms, which were only a few centimeters apart, and was a little lost in thought.......

They are so close, yet so far apart!

Is this what is called infinity?

Louhu's pupils kept trembling, and his face was full of shock!

Gojo Satoru continued to preach with a faint smile, but his words were full of disdain and provocation:

"Rather than stopping, it's more like the closer you get to me, the slower you go.

What do you think?

I can just shake your hand.~!"

Lou Hu's face was solemn, and he whispered with a slightly trembling voice:

"I refuse!"

Gojo Satoru said with a smile:

"Don't be shy......

I will be embarrassed if you do this."

Gojo Satoru said this, and then he grabbed Louhu's hand tightly!

Such a provocation is completely looking down on him!

Louhu roared with a ferocious look on his face:

"You bastard!......"

Louhu's voice suddenly stopped!

And it was accompanied by the sound of vomiting blood!

Because at this time, Gojo Satoru hit Louhu's stomach with a palm!

Purple blood spurted out of his mouth instantly!

Louhu only felt fast!

So fast!

And his attack is not as simple as strengthening with cursed power!


I don't understand!

But I must find out!

Gojo Satoru said loudly:

"It's not over yet!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gojo Satoru hit him with one palm after another!

Louhu was beaten without any chance to fight back.

It was like an adult beating a powerless child.

He was beaten so hard that he couldn't bear it, and purple blood kept spurting out!

Then Louhu was kicked away by Gojo Satoru!

While he was flying in the air, Gojo Satoru stretched out a finger and spoke eloquently:

"Infinity is everywhere��

I just used magic to bring it into reality......Divergence......

Guess what, after you hit this void.....What will happen?"

A ball like a black hole gathered at the fingertips of Gojo Satoru!

The ball was emitting a creepy red light!

It seemed to be absorbing, but it also seemed to be releasing!

Gojo Satoru whispered:

"The procedure is reversed! Huh!"

PS: Still working hard......

Please order the whole thing!!! Please order your own item!!! Please support!!!: ༒༺ღMa Quân Diệt Thếღ༻༒

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