The black ball suddenly burst out with a dazzling red light!

Louhu was shocked and gradually enveloped by the dazzling red light!

No one could see what happened!

There was only a loud noise, followed by a terrifying explosion~!

Louhu was instantly blown thousands of meters away!

After a thousand meters, Louhu in the air finally stabilized his body.

But just as he landed on the ground, he found that Gojo Satoru was behind him, and then he was hit by a heavy punch and was once again knocked out by Gojo Satoru! He rolled on the ground for several circles, and then was knocked out by Gojo Satoru again!

There was no time for him to breathe!

This was simply a one-sided beating!

Louhu was furious, and he roared with all his strength, and once again launched a large-scale fire attack at Gojo Satoru!

It was not that he didn't want to use the spell, but that he had no time to use it!

Now the only fastest way to attack is to activate the spell power!

But it is obvious.

This can't hurt Gojo Satoru at all.

Don't even think about touching the corner of his clothes!

If Lin Fan's speed is frighteningly fast!

Then Gojo Satoru is not only frighteningly fast, but he can also use the plug-in of teleportation! He may be able to react with a fast speed!

But how to react to teleportation!

The cursed flames that Louhu burst out did not hit Gojo Satoru at all.

Because Gojo Satoru had already appeared behind him at this time!

Then he kicked him again and kicked him out!

This time Louhu fell on the water slope, and after a burst of waves, he fell there motionless.

At this time, he was covered with bruises.

He remembered what Brain Flower Xia Yujie said to him, which he regarded as a joke.

It is not impossible to intercept and kill Gojo Satoru.

But you will die!

Louhu stood up from the water with difficulty.

He thought to himself, it seems that Brain Flower Xia Yujie is not talking nonsense.......

I really overestimated my own abilities......Since you can't hit him!

Then just drag him into the domain!

But when he raised his head again, Gojo Satoru was standing not far from him with Lin Fan and Yuji Itadori.

Gojo Satoru smiled lightly and said,"Yuji, Lin Fan, you have to watch carefully in a while!

I will teach you the pinnacle of the spell battle, the domain expansion!"

Yuji Itadori nodded calmly.

Because he has been shocked from the moment to now, he has become a little numb.

And Lin Fan smiled slightly. He thought to himself, can I finally see the infinite space of Gojo teacher?

Lin Fan was very envious.

He thought if he could awaken a domain of his own.

But even if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter. He can just copy someone else's domain, which is not impossible.

At that time, he can copy a few more and switch them in battle!

Lin Fan is looking forward to having an opponent who can keep his mentality from exploding when he keeps switching domains!

Louhu, who was not far away, looked at the three people in front coldly.

If he still can't kill Gojo Satoru by expanding his domain.

Then Yuji Itadori must not die!

Everything has to be for future plans!

It seems that when we attack later, we should try not to hurt Itadori Yuji.

But looking at Gojo Satoru's appearance, he should not be hurt.

Then Louhu said sarcastically:

"You are so stupid to bring two guys who are holding you back!"

Louhu was already planning to expand his domain.

So he wanted Gojo Satoru to let his guard down!

Even for a moment!

If he couldn't pull him into his domain, then everything would be in vain!

Gojo Satoru laughed after hearing this and said nonchalantly:

"Hahahaha, it's okay.

Because you.....Very weak~"

After hearing this, Louhu was instantly furious!

He had originally wanted to use words to expose Gojo Satoru's weakness, but now he was irritated instead!

In an instant, the rage emerged on Louhu's volcanic head!

Flames spurted out from the volcanic crater on his head and his two plugged ears!

The flames rushed straight to both sides and the sky!

It set off a terrifying air wave!

Louhu roared angrily:

"Don’t underestimate me! You little brat!!!

I’m going to swallow up your smiling face!!!"

The air wave rolled up the surging tide of the water and rushed straight towards the three people!

However, these tides were blocked by the transparent cover in front of Gojo Satoru.

Gojo Satoru’s invincibility lies in the fact that he can continuously use the power of stopping with unlimited techniques!

In other words, all attacks are ineffective against him!

Of course, the only weakness is the exception of poison.

But these Louhu don’t know.

After roaring, Louhu clasped his hands together!

He made a strange gesture and said:

"The field is expanding!"

Instantly, a black cover enveloped everyone!

""The coffin is covered with iron walls!"

The rocks in the black cover suddenly bulged, and magma overflowed! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The heat wave visible to the naked eye was swaying in front of everyone's eyes!

If it weren't for Gojo Satoru's unlimited technique, it is estimated that several people would have been burned to ashes by the high temperature inside!

"this.....What is this?"

Yujin Itadori was so shocked that he could hardly speak as he watched everything in front of him.

Especially after seeing Lin Fan's operation, he felt for a moment that he and these people were from the same dimension.

Lin Fan stretched his hand outside Gojo Satoru's unlimited technique and felt the temperature.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, it started to burn, then turned into charcoal, and then turned into ashes and dissipated in the air.

Lin Fan stretched back his arm, looked at his disappearing hand expressionlessly, and said lightly:

"It's quite hot, isn't it?"

Then Lin Fan activated the reversal technique, and his hand quickly grew back.

Yuji Itadori stared at Lin Fan's trick in a daze. He couldn't accept it at all!

Even if you have a reversal technique that can restore broken limbs, aren't you afraid of pain?

Why don't you have any expression at all!

Yuji Itadori was shocked!

He seriously suspected that he and the people present were definitely not creatures from the same dimension!

At this time, Gojo Satoru smiled and explained:

"This is the expansion of the domain.

It is to use the magic power to build a natural domain around with the magic cast. What you experienced in the juvenile detention center was an incomplete domain without the magic cast.

If it was a complete domain, you would all be dead.

Hui should know this.

Expanding the domain consumes a lot of magic power, but it also has its benefits.

The first is the improvement of the status under environmental factors."

After hearing this, Yuji Itadori said with some realization:

"It's just like adding buffs in the game, right?"

Gojo Satoru did not answer, but continued:

"The second is......"

A rock spike suddenly rushed towards Gojo Satoru.

Gojo Satoru calmly blocked it with his hand, instantly destroying the rock spike attack that Louhu suddenly launched at him.

Then he continued:

"The second is that the technique launched and applied to the field will definitely hit the target!"

Itadori Yuji exclaimed:"It will definitely hit the target! ?"

Gojo Satoru answered affirmatively:

"That's right! It will definitely hit!

But don't worry, there are countermeasures.

There are four methods in total, one of which was developed by Lin Fan."

Lin Fan was slightly stunned. He didn't remember that he had developed a method to destroy the field.

During the battle with Ryoumen Sukuna, he didn't pay attention to these things at all.

Gojo Satoru smiled faintly and continued:

"The first is to fight the opponent's spell in the field, and if you win

, you can break it! The second is to escape from the field. Of course, this is generally impossible.

The third is Lin Fan's method of fighting Sukuna, forcibly taking the opponent out of the field, and naturally breaking it without attacking.

But........This requires a special field, like Sukuna's, and also requires a speed as fast as Lin Fan, both are indispensable.

As for the last one?.....It is also the most effective way to fight against the domain!

That is, both sides deploy their domains.

Whoever has the strongest domain will naturally be able to destroy the other's domain!

But this also depends on the compatibility and the power of the spell!"

While Gojo Satoru said this, he took off his blindfold.

And the opposite Louhu had already roared and launched an attack!

"Don't even think about leaving ashes behind! Gojo Satoru!"

The magma surged towards the three people!

But all of them were blocked outside by Gojo Satoru's unlimited technique!

Then Gojo Satoru said lightly:

"The domain expanded."

Gojo Satoru's sapphire-like eyes appeared in front of everyone!

Then he crossed two fingers and read out the name of the domain:

""Infinite space."

Lin Fan smiled excitedly. It was finally coming!

In just a moment!

Louhu's domain was destroyed!

Then he felt that he was enveloped by a black light and his body could not move at all!

However, just as Lin Fan was watching all this excitedly, the system's voice suddenly sounded!

【Detected collectible domain fragments, would you like to pick them up?

PS: (A long chapter with more than 3,000 words) Still working on it......

Please order the whole thing!!! Please order your own!!! Please support!!! Thank you!: ༒༺ღMa Quân Diệt Thếღ༻༒

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