Upon seeing it, Yuji Itadori also rarely felt a trace of fear in his heart.

But it's no wonder.

Such a huge and terrifying cursed spirit really makes people feel creepy!

In fact, the special-grade cursed spirit is okay for Yuji Itadori.

After experiencing a death and witnessing a ceiling-level battle.

Yuji Itadori's mind has become more determined and indifferent.

Even if he sees a special-grade cursed spirit, he will no longer be afraid.

But the ones that look too disgusting and scary are an exception!

Seeing the cursed spirit in front of him that looks like a centipede, Yuji Itadori feels more and more that as a special-grade cursed spirit, why do you look so unexpectedly?

What do other special-grade cursed spirits think of you being so curly!

Lin Fan also thinks so at this time.

This appearance.....It's really hard to describe!

Ordinary people would probably be scared to death when they see it!

Lin Fan looked at the panel of this special centipede curse spirit and immediately showed a strange expression.

【Name: Centipede Curse Spirit

【Level]: Special grade curse spirit

【Talent]: The power of Ryomen Sukuna (S-)、Corrosive Lava Poison Attribute Constitution (A), Innate Domain (A)

【Skills]: Poison Flame Shockwave (A+)、Body Clone (A), Poison Mist (A-)、Toxic Flame Spray (B+)

【[Power of Ryomen Sukuna]: Devoured Ryomen Sukuna's finger, gained some of Ryomen Sukuna's power, and evolved into a special-grade cursed spirit

【[Corrosive Lava Poison Attribute]: The body contains a huge amount of corrosive lava poison liquid. The poison is not only corrosive and toxic, but also contains terrifyingly high temperatures like magma.

It can easily corrode the human body and burn it up.

【[Spiritual Realm]: Can materialize the spiritual realm into the real world. (Can only materialize non-living objects)

【[Poison Flame Shock Wave]: Inject spell power into the corrosive lava venom and spray it out. The attack will form a beam of light that rushes towards the enemy, causing huge damage

【[Body Clone Technique]: A special skill of the centipede curse spirit. Each segment of its body can be separated into an individual, and each individual has half the strength of the original body.

【Poisonous Fog]: A poisonous fog area can be summoned within a radius of 500 meters. People in the area will be corroded by the corrosive toxins in the fog.

【[Poison Flame Jet]: Corrosive lava venom is ejected from the stomach!

Lin Fan was slightly surprised.

It turned out to be a special-grade cursed spirit spawned by Ryomen Sukuna's fingers!

Could it be related to the murderous intention just now?

But from this point of view, it should be the work of the brain flower Geto Summer Oil and others.

And it is obviously not aimed at Yuji Itadori.

Is he interested in me?

Lin Fan showed a weird smile.

What a good person who gives benefits!

How can I thank you for this great gift!

At this time!

The special centipede cursed spirit slowly crawled in front of the two people.

This terrifying huge human face alone is one body height taller than them.

It must be at least 3 meters!

The big eyes stared at the two people.

The mouth full of sharp teeth exuded a foul smell, and it also laughed creepily at the two people.

"cluck cluck cluck~~......!!!!

Little brother....~Would you like to buy me a bag?....cluck cluck cluck~~~......"

Lin Fan did not reply, but smiled faintly and said:

"Watch out!"

"Eight Gates of Ninjutsu! The first gate! Open!"

As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, veins popped out on his body, and he punched the giant face of the special centipede curse spirit!

The terrifying force actually made the huge body of the special centipede curse spirit fall down!

After the body hit the wall, a deep hole was immediately smashed out!

Although the previous blow did not cause any injuries to the special centipede curse spirit.

But it aroused the anger of the special centipede curse spirit, making it instantly furious!

It rushed towards Lin Fan with its bloody mouth open!

Lin Fan opened the second gate calmly.

Then he punched it hard again.

The huge body of the special centipede curse spirit fell backwards again!

This time it was unexpectedly It smashed the wall of the corridor behind it.

The world behind the wall was still not a shopping mall, but a vast open space with a pitch-black sky!

And there was no end in sight!

It was just pitch-black!

In the center of the open space was only the corridor tower.

There was a light on the top of the corridor tower.

This made the sky not so dim!

But this was exactly what Lin Fan wanted!

He opened the Eight Gates to the fourth gate!

Suddenly, his whole body turned red!

With green light waves!

He took a deep breath and flashed to the top of the special centipede curse spirit.

Then he grabbed the hair and skin of the special centipede curse spirit and exerted force on his body!

""Get up!!!"

Lin Fan shouted the word"get up" in the air!

Yuji Itadori was horrified to find that when Lin Fan shouted the word"get up", two streams of hot air spurted out of his mouth!

It was clearly visible!

How hot must the body be to produce such a solid white steam!!! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Just when Lin Fan shouted the word"get up"!

Yuji Itadori was horrified to see that the special centipede cursed spirit was actually lifted up by Lin Fan!

Then he was thrown out by him!

Thrown out of the tower!

Yuji Itadori was completely dumbfounded!

He remembered whether Fan had just told him to learn something?

What the hell am I going to learn!!!

Lin Fan clapped his hands and breathed a sigh of relief.

After he released the Eight Gates of Dunjia, he turned around and said to Yuji Itadori with a smile:

"You watch here! The real show is coming up next!

Study hard!

If you can't explain it clearly when you come back, just write me a 10,000-word review!"

Yuji Itadori nodded frantically like a kid pecking at rice.

Lin Fan chuckled, then jumped down!

Just as he landed steadily on the open ground, the special centipede curse spirit had already attacked him.

Lin Fan dodged sideways and fired a Rasengan!

A bloody pit was left on the body of the special centipede curse spirit!

But this little damage could only hurt the special centipede curse spirit, and there was no substantial damage.

The special centipede curse spirit suddenly turned its head, and a red curse bullet shot out of its mouth!

Lin Fan dodged again and came in front of the special centipede curse spirit.

Then he He punched it hard on the face, then jumped high into the sky, dodging the next cursed bullet from the special centipede cursed spirit.

Lin Fan in the air was not idle either, but took advantage of the situation to launch a 50% cursed fire escape technique, Great Fireball Technique! The reason why Lin Fan did not use the 100% cursed fireball technique was because he was afraid of being directly beaten to death by the special centipede cursed spirit.

If it was beaten to death, how could he teach Yuji Itadori on the spot!

So Lin Fan did not even open his escape armor.

Now Lin Fan's strength is definitely not as good as that of the special centipede cursed spirit.

But Lin Fan has countless martial arts skills and fighting techniques, he can easily deal with any attack from the special centipede cursed spirit, and catch it. Gap, and give the special centipede curse spirit a scratching blow to cause damage.

Just like that, Yuji Itadori went from being shocked at the beginning to now watching Lin Fan's fight thoughtfully.

Gradually, he seemed to understand a truth.

This truth is very simple!

That is silky smooth!

He felt that Lin Fan's dodging and attacking were as if they were designed in advance.

It gave people a sense of déjà vu that an expert operator was playing a game for a novice to watch.

The special centipede curse spirit attacked to the left, and Lin Fan dodged to the right, then caught the backswing to hit an effective damage.

The action was extremely smooth, as if it was a combo specially designed for attacking the special centipede curse spirit!

The body movement dodges and attacks the combo, and repeats in this way. , not only did it not suffer a single injury, but it also caused the Special Centipede Curse Spirit's mentality to explode and lose its composure.

Such an exciting scene made Yuji Itadori unable to calm down for a long time.

It can be said that compared to Lin Fan's battle, Yuji Itadori felt that his previous battle was like a pile of shit!

Not only were there many loopholes, but each move also had a huge flaw!

Yuji Itadori could see that Lin Fan was suppressing his strength to fight against the Special Centipede Curse Spirit.

Although the damage was minor, the Special Centipede Curse Spirit was still in great pain!

If he were to fight Lin Fan, even if his strength was much higher than Lin Fan, he would probably still be beaten to a pulp by Lin Fan.......

Yuji Itadori fell silent.

He understood how big the gap between him and Lin Fan was.

If Yuji Itadori had resisted Lin Fan's inhumane training before, he was now looking forward to it!

Because he thought about his future......Can it become so strong!

On the battlefield.

The special centipede curse spirit was beaten to a state of mind collapse, and began to use his ultimate move frantically! He suddenly launched the strongest attack at Lin Fan.

Poison flame shock wave!

The huge poison flame beam rushed towards Lin Fan!

Its power was so great that sand and rubble would immediately turn into ashes if they were touched!

At this time, Lin Fan was still calm and had a calm smile on his face.

When the beam attacked him, he not only did not dodge, but rushed towards it!

At the moment when the beam was about to hit him!

Lin Fan immediately slid to avoid it!

The special centipede curse spirit also immediately pressed the poison flame beam down!

Going straight to Lin Fan!

PS:(A big chapter of 3,500 words! )Please subscribe to the whole book!!!Please subscribe to the book yourself!!!Please support!!!!!! Thank you for your support!

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