Facing the poisonous flame shock wave of the special centipede curse spirit gradually approaching him, Lin Fan was unmoved and continued to slide under it. The poisonous flame shock wave followed all the way, and at this time, the back of Lin Fan had already been sprayed into a ruin by the poisonous flame shock wave!

Seeing that Lin Fan was under it, the special centipede curse spirit continued to press down the curse flame beam, and the arms on its body also grabbed Lin Fan at the same time!

In this situation of front and back attack.

Lin Fan did not panic at all, but slapped the ground with one hand, and his body turned sideways!

Then he stomped his feet lightly, and his body stood up in a weird posture!

The movement was very light, and it easily resolved the attack of the special centipede curse spirit from both sides!

Such a silky and coherent movement made Yuji Itadori's blood boil!

Too strong!

This kind of technical strength looks even more exciting!

Is this the legendary show operation! ?

At this time, the special centipede curse spirit was also confused.

Is this also possible?

However, just as it was stunned, Lin Fan jumped directly above its head!

Then he leaned down and smashed a Rasengan on its head!

The huge force and impact directly pressed the huge head of the special centipede curse spirit hard on the ground, smashing a cracked deep pit!

A bloody and clearly visible round pit-shaped wound also appeared on the top of the head of the special centipede curse spirit!

Lin Fan took advantage of the force to fly up into the air again and stayed in the air for a moment.

Before the special centipede curse spirit could recover, he directly and seamlessly spit out a 50% curse fire escape fireball technique, accurately hitting the wound left by the Rasengan just now!

One stage of armor breaking!

Two stages of critical hits!

Under such a smooth offensive, the huge head of the special centipede curse spirit suddenly exploded!

Then the two-faced Sukuna fingers at the center of the eyebrows of the special centipede curse spirit were blown into the air.

After Lin Fan landed, he jumped and caught it steadily, and casually put it in his pocket.

However, the special centipede curse spirit that was originally thought to have died immediately after losing the two fingers of Sukuna was still alive!

The special centipede curse spirit that lost the two fingers of Sukuna and the main head directly regressed to the strength of the first-level curse spirit!

In addition to the gradual dissipation of the birth domain, the other abilities still exist, but they have been weakened in all aspects!

The centipede curse spirit instantly divided its body into sections of clones!

Then each section of the body roared and sent a poisonous flame shock wave to Lin Fan!

Although the clones were not as harmful as the main body, there were so many of them!

The attack of the special centipede curse spirit was like weaving a large beam net, illuminating the main scene, leaving Lin Fan nowhere to escape!

However, at this moment, Lin Fan disappeared out of thin air!!!

After the attack failed, the centipede curse spirit was confused, but more of it was burning with anger! With its mentality exploded, it attacked everywhere madly!

At this moment, Lin Fan unexpectedly emerged from the ground!

He fired a Rasengan from bottom to top at the body of a centipede curse spirit clone!

Having lost its special strength and with its clone weakened, the centipede curse spirit was directly beaten to pieces!

Before the other centipede curse spirit clones could react, Lin Fan fired another fireball, destroying another one!

Upon seeing this, the centipede curse spirit quickly merged with the body!

Then it violently sprayed poisonous flames at Lin Fan!

"Almost there.'

Lin Fan muttered to himself after dodging the poison flame attack.

Then he opened fire at full power! He directly opened the fourth gate of the Eight Gates of Dunjia and used the inner lotus!

Lin Fan, who is now an A-level cursed human body, is already as strong as an ordinary first-level cursed spirit!

Now that he has opened the Eight Gates of Dunjia and the inner lotus, his speed is much faster than before!

At this time, Lin Fan is like a flash of lightning, so fast that it makes people shudder!

In comparison, the poison flame attack of the centipede cursed spirit is as slow as a turtle.

Now let alone not being able to attack Lin Fan.

It itself was so dizzy by Lin Fan that it couldn't find its way!

However, the centipede cursed spirit is still smart. Seeing that this is not good, it directly opened the poisonous fog to hide its body.

Lin Fan sneered.

He walked directly into the air, flashing in the air!

Then he suddenly spit out a fireball filled with curse power into the poisonous fog!

The huge fireball smashed over like a small sun!

The smoke was immediately burned away by the fire, and the centipede cursed spirit was also very powerful. The body of the cursed spirit was also directly broken into two pieces!

Lin Fan did not hesitate at all and punched it with all his strength!

The terrifying force immediately set off a shocking wave of air!

The mall store that had just been restored to a shopping center, the surface of the ground, the goods, the tables and chairs along the way, etc., were directly rolled up!

Then the whole body of the centipede cursed spirit was beaten to pieces!

After that, it turned into ashes and slowly dissipated in the air.

But because of this terrifying blow by Lin Fan.

The shopping center was actually directly penetrated!

Behind the centipede cursed spirit, a large hole from the first to the fifth floor has appeared, through which the outside world can be seen.

The whole building was immediately shaky. It was obvious that Lin Fan had damaged the load-bearing wall of the shopping center building, and the high-rise building was about to collapse!

Lin Fan did not hesitate at all, and hurriedly took Yuji Itadori and ran outside!

Yuji Itadori was numb. How could the fight turn into a battle of the gods?

At this time, the voice of the system also sounded.

【Congratulations to the host for killing the (pseudo) special-grade cursed spirit and obtaining an advanced random skill lottery ticket and an advanced random talent lottery ticket!】

【It is detected that the host backpack has obtained a high-level random skill lottery ticket x1 and a high-level random talent lottery ticket x1. Would the host like to use them? 】

Lin Fan, who was running, was stunned.

What is a pseudo-special grade cursed spirit?

This kind of cursed spirit that has eaten two Sukuna and become special grade is not a real special grade cursed spirit? (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But fortunately, two high-level lottery tickets were exploded.

One for talent and one for skill.

Not bad!

But this time, the skill card on the cursed spirit was not exploded.

It feels a bit dark.

Ichi Chieko, who was waiting patiently not far from the shopping mall, sighed.

Fortunately, it was not Lin Fan who took action this time.

Thinking about the previous times, when he saw the battle damage presented in the data, Ichi Chieko felt speechless.

The first time was okay, the battle damage of the residential building was within a reasonable range.

But how did Lin Fan turn an unfinished construction site building into ruins the second time?

The third time was even more terrifying!

He actually blew up most of the playground!

So terrifying!

It's so terrifying!

Ijichi Jiegao shook his head helplessly.

Fortunately, it was Yuji Itadori who took action this time, otherwise who knows what the consequences would be!

Boom boom boom~~!!!

Ijichi Jiegao, who was usually melancholy, suddenly heard a strange noise coming from outside the car.

He rolled down the window, stuck his head out, and listened carefully.

As a result, he heard the sound seemed to come from the building of the shopping mall.

Ijichi Jiegao looked up in confusion, his eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes almost popped out of fear!

He saw���The shopping mall building was shaky and looked like it was about to collapse!

Ichi Chieko opened his mouth wide and was petrified!

Lin Fan and Yuji Itadori, who ran out in a hurry, got into the car.

Yuji Itadori saw that Ichi Chieko still had a big mouth and was petrified looking at them, and hurriedly urged:

".Drive faster! The building is about to collapse!"

After recovering from his shock, Yidizhi Jiegao broke out in a cold sweat and stepped on the accelerator!

The black car rushed out like a wild horse that had broken free from its reins!

Looking at the collapsed shopping mall, Yidizhi Jiegao's breath suddenly rose to his throat!

Escape from life and death!!!

Yidizhi Jiegao burst out with potential that he himself could not have imagined!

He frantically manipulated the car to avoid the flying rocks!

Yidizhi Jiegao seemed to have turned into a desperate racer!

After various tail-swinging and drifting, everyone finally reached a safe area.

Yidizhi Jiegao stopped the car, panting!

His whole body was already soaked with his cold sweat.

At this time, Lin Fan, the instigator, still praised Yidizhi Jiegao calmly and said:

""That’s great! I didn’t realize it, Mr. Ijichi!

Your driving skills are really good!

If you want to compete, there will definitely be a place for you in Akina Mountain!"

At this time, Ijichi Jiegao, who was out of breath, didn’t listen to Lin Fan’s teasing at all, but asked breathlessly:

"in....Whoosh.....What happened in there!?......"

Lin Fan said casually with a faint smile:

"It's nothing, just a special cursed spirit suddenly appeared, and I exorcised it."

After hearing this, Yidi Zhijiegao was shocked and widened his eyes and shouted:

"special...."Special grade curse spirit!!!"

The intelligence clearly showed that there was only a second-level curse spirit inside!

Why did a special grade curse spirit suddenly appear!? (Qian Haohao)

Could it be that the higher-ups have discovered that Itadori-san is still alive?

So they sent out a special grade curse spirit to kill him again?

No, no, no!

This is not in line with common sense!

But no matter what, this is also my dereliction of duty!

This is terrible!

No matter whether it is the higher-ups or Mr. Gojo, I can't explain it!

Just when Ichi Chijie was panicking and at a loss, Lin Fan suddenly patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Don't panic. You don't need to report this special-grade curse to your superiors.

They won't know.

As for Gojo-sensei, I will tell him."

Ichi Chieko still felt something was wrong and asked:

"But.....This time the noise was really too big!

The whole building collapsed, how can I explain this?"

Lin Fan smiled slightly, then said:

"This is not easy to deal with, just find an excuse.

Just say that the building is of poor quality, and it collapsed because a second-level curse spirit broke several sides from below.

Of course, I will give Principal Ye Moth a few hundred million gold, and no one will say anything.

As the saying goes, money makes the world go round, don't you think so? Haha~......"

PS:(A big chapter of 3,500 words! )Please subscribe to the whole book!!!Please subscribe to the book yourself!!!Please support!!!!!! Thank you for your support!

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