Ichi Chieko was immediately embarrassed.

Only then did he remember that Lin Fan was an out-and-out wealthy man!

Then there would be no problem with this matter.

Back to the secret base.

Itadori Yujin rarely proposed to take the initiative to accept Lin Fan's training.

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly. Is this a wake-up call?

Then Lin Fan nodded and asked:

"Then tell me first, what did you learn from today's battle?"

Yuji Itadori pondered for a while, and then said what he thought at the beginning:


These two words are concise and to the point.

After hearing this, Lin Fan looked at Yuji Itadori with a faint smile, neither agreeing nor denying, but said:


Yuji Itadori pondered for a while and continued:

"All your previous battles gave people a sense of continuity, as if they were arranged in advance, and the opponent's cooperation was required to achieve a smooth feeling.

If I must describe it, it's like two people playing a video game.

One person's operation is pure and passionate, and the body movements and moves are coordinated perfectly.

Several sets of combos���You beat your opponent so hard that he has to retreat step by step without any chance to fight back! If your opponent is really fighting seriously, then your attack is more like a show of skills!

So these two words appeared in my mind, smooth!

The smoothness of the body movements and the moves, everything seems to be so natural, and everything goes so smoothly!

This is my understanding!"

Yuji Itadori smiled and scratched his head:

"I don’t know if my understanding is correct, but I can see this."

Lin Fan smiled and nodded.

"I'm surprised that you can understand all this.

You're right!

It's this silky feeling!

But you didn't realize the most important point.

That is, this silky 077 is only limited to defeating the strong with the weak or being evenly matched!

When you have absolute power, this silky feeling will have no effect at all.

Think about when Gojo Sensei was fighting against the one-eyed curse spirit, did he need this silky feeling?

He just used the Infinite Void to take the opponent away.

So this silky feeling is only limited to defeating the strong with the weak when the strength gap is not too big, or being evenly matched, which can make you invincible!

Especially for people like you who practice physical skills and can only fight in close combat.

Mastering the silky style of play couldn't be more important!"

Yuji Itadori's eyes lit up, and he asked quickly:

"So how do you master this smooth fighting style?"

Lin Fan shrugged and said:

"There is no shortcut, only hard work can be accumulated day by day.

I learned martial arts when I was three years old, and for more than ten years I have been constantly studying various martial arts, various fighting techniques and body movements, which gave me this smooth feeling today!"

After hearing this, Yuji Itadori suddenly became depressed, but Lin Fan's next words made his eyes light up again.

Lin Fan pinched his chin, thought carefully and continued:

"But.....It's not like there's no quick way to do it."

Yuji Itadori asked excitedly:

"What can I do?"

Lin Fan showed a strange smile, which made Yuji Itadori suddenly shudder!

Lin Fan slowly said:

"That is to practice with me one-on-one and learn my fighting style through actual combat.

Only by constantly failing can you grow quickly!

When the exchange meeting starts, you will definitely surprise everyone!"

Yuji Itadori nodded in agreement.

He was completely unaware that his nightmare was about to begin.......

The sparring will start tomorrow.

Lin Fan let him have a good rest today.

Because he still has a very important thing to do.

That is, he hasn't had time to use his lottery ticket!

This is a top priority!

Lin Fan hurried to the bathroom to wash his hands and get rid of the bad luck.

The time to prove that he is the emperor of luck has come again!

Lin Fan felt that he should be steady first and use the spider web binding skill card first.

Lin Fan muttered in his heart.

Use the spider web binding skill card

【Congratulations to the host for successfully using the skill and obtaining the B-level skill Spider Web Binding!】

【This skill has been automatically changed by the system!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the B+ skill Spider Web Binding!】

【[Spider Web Binding]: Spray out a spider web from the bracelet to bind the enemy, or it can be turned into a spider thread, the specific size and length is defined by the host. (The hardness of the spider web is proportional to the injected spell power)

Lin Fan was stunned.

The system also knows that it is indecent to spray from there, and it has changed it!

It is really humane!

But the effect of this skill made Lin Fan a little amused.

Isn't this becoming Spider-Man?

Lin Fan rubbed his hands and stopped thinking about this for the time being. He was going to try a high-level random skill lottery ticket first.

Thinking of this, Lin Fan said silently in his heart.

Use the high-level random skill lottery ticket

【Congratulations to the host for using it successfully!】

【The high-level random skill lottery ticket will give you a D-level skill at the lowest and an S+ level at the highest.

The specific winning odds are as follows:

D-level: 30%

C-level: 25%

B-level: 25%

A-level: 18%

S-level: 2%】(To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Extracting, please wait......】

【Extraction successful!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the B+ skill Emperor Engine!】

【Emperor Engine]: This skill originated from the S-class hero King in the One Punch Man world. After a systematic transformation, it can be activated without cursed power.

It emits an invisible deterrent force to cause psychological repression and fear to the enemy. (Those who produce fear themselves will be infinitely magnified)

Lin Fan's face suddenly turned black.

What the hell is the Emperor Engine! (bjfc) Wash your hands in vain!

I used the high-level random skill lottery ticket, but I only drew a useless B-level skill.

This is too dark!

Lin Fan was speechless and decided to use the intermediate random skill lottery ticket first.

Save the advanced random talent lottery ticket for last.

Lin Fan went to the bathroom and washed his hands repeatedly with soap!

Looking at his hands that were so smooth that they could reflect light.

Lin Fan thought that this time it should be stable!

He muttered to himself.

Use the intermediate random skill lottery ticket

【Congratulations to the host for using it successfully!】

【Intermediate Random Skills���The lowest skill you can get is D-, and the highest skill you can get is S+.

The specific chances of winning are as follows:

D-: 40%

C-: 30%

B-: 20%

A-: 9.5%

S-: 0.5%】

【Extracting, please wait......】

【Extraction successful!】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S-level skill Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist Modified!】

【[Ryuu Rock Breaking Fist]: This is derived from the boxing technique of Bang, the S-class hero in the One Punch Man world. After the system transformation, the attack has its own cursed force. The boxing technique strikes the enemy quickly like flowing water, and can smoothly resist the enemy's attack.

The secondary skills of the boxing technique are as follows:

【[Flowing Water Formation]: A defensive skill that can bounce back or dissolve all attacks within the reach of both hands. (The faster the host's speed and the higher the attack power, the better the effect of the move)

【[Instant Body Skill]: Use special steps to move smoothly and quickly like flowing water, and use the enemy's unpredictable posture to accurately hit the vital points. (The faster the host's speed, the better the effect of the move)

【[Tooth-piercing Finger]: Use the fingertips to accurately hit the smallest vital points. The movement is like flowing water without stagnation, and at the same time it has great destructive power. (The faster the host's speed and the higher the attack power, the better the effect of the move)

Lin Fan was stunned.


This is only a 0.5 chance!!!

Such a small chance actually got an S-level skill!!!

Just now I felt like I was possessed by the Black Chief, but now I am the King of Europe!

Flowing Rock Crushing Fist, Bang's special skill!

He is the third strongest among the S-level heroes!

And this set of martial arts is very suitable for Lin Fan who likes close combat!

Lin Fan couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.


Just missing close combat skills, here they come.

Now Lin Fan has understood the various functions of this system.

The system will turn the talents and skills drawn into an ability that can be used at any time.

There is no need to comprehend them by yourself.

Except for some special talents or skills that can be evolved, the rest of the abilities have been turned into something like game skills by the system.

When using, just click directly in the game to use, and Lin Fan can recite or read it out!

It's so convenient!

In this way, the moves can be seamlessly connected!

Every battle is really like playing a game!

Skills make six, and the rewards are full!

What a great system!

Lin Fan is very satisfied!

Now there is only one high-level random talent lottery ticket left.

Lin Fan took a deep breath and said to himself nervously,"

Use the high-level random talent lottery ticket!"

【Congratulations to the host for using it successfully!】

【The highest level random talent lottery ticket will give you a D-level talent at the lowest level and an S+ talent at the highest level.

The specific winning odds are as follows:

D-level: 30%

C-level: 25%

B-level: 25%

A-level: 18%

S-level: 2%】

【Extracting, please wait......】

Lin Fan suddenly became nervous.

He kept shouting in his mind: S! S! S!!!

【Extraction successful!】

【Congratulations to the host for getting......】

PS:(A big chapter of 3,500 words! )

From now on, the author will change it to 3,500 words every day, three chapters a day, more than 10,000 words! Please subscribe to the full version!!! Please subscribe to the custom version!!! Please support!!!.

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