【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the S+ talent Holy Soul!】

【[Holy Soul]: Possessing the supreme soul, immune to all soul attacks, and with the attribute of attacking the soul when attacking, causing double damage to the soul and the body.


Lin Fan clenched his fists excitedly!

It's actually S-level!

And it's a top S+~ talent!

This talent that is immune to all soul attacks and can also attack other people's souls is simply abnormal!

It hits the soul directly, but it is hard to defend against!

You must know that even the powerful recovery skills of the Reversal Warlock cannot restore the injury of the soul.

If you directly shatter the opponent's soul, no matter how powerful the body is, it will be useless!

Just like Lin Fan's immortal body, if the soul is injured and dies, Lin Fan is not sure if he can be resurrected.

Of course, he doesn't dare to try with his own life!

But now all problems have been solved!

Now even if the world is destroyed, Lin Fan probably won't die!

Lin Fan sighed.

It seems.....I became invincible by accident.

Now, as long as I can improve my combat power, I will be invincible in the world.

Who can be my opponent then?

It seems that cultivating strong people is imminent.

I don’t know what changes will happen in the future world.

Since I can come to the world of spells and gain abilities from other worlds, does that mean that I can go to other worlds in the future?

Lin Fan shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Now is not the time to think about these things. Let’s take it step by step.

Lin Fan opened his ability panel and admired it carefully.

【Name: Lin Fan

【Talent: Curse human body can evolve (A-)、Holy Soul+)、Immortality (S), Infinite Curse Finger (S), Poison Immunity (A), Photographic Memory (D+)、Weapon Master (D+)、Killing Sense (D), Natural Musician (D)

【Skills]: Ten types of shadow spells can be evolved (C+)、Eight Gates of Dunjia (the first four gates) (S+)、Spell (S), Stream Rock Crushing Fist (S), Reversal (A), Spell: Fire Style Great Fireball (A), Spirit Fang (A), Spider Web Binding (B+)、Spells: Rasengan (B), Earth Movement (B)

【Curse of Human Evolution】:......

Looking at these dazzling array of skills, Lin Fan couldn't help but sigh that the system is really awesome!

It's a pity that tasks are not often available, and completing a task requires various procedures to be submitted and reviewed.

Of course, these are not Lin Fan's responsibility.

These are all the work of Ichi Chijie.

You have to wait until all of this is reviewed before you can continue to receive and execute the next task.

It's really troublesome.

Otherwise, Lin Fan would receive hundreds or thousands of tasks and take all the tasks of exorcising cursed spirits!

Lin Fan carefully analyzed the skills he had obtained.

Now his cursed human body has been upgraded to A-level, which can be said to be comparable to the strength of an ordinary first-level cursed spirit.

Needless to say, other talents and skills can be used directly without the trouble of upgrading.

Now there is only Fushiguro Megumi's ten shadow spells that I haven't done.

But there is no need to rush for this.

Lin Fan feels that it is really difficult for him to subdue the Demon Hollow.

And the other shikigami are useless.

When Lin Fan saw Fushiguro Megumi fighting with these shikigami, he just wanted to say, can you stop scraping?

The reason why Lin Fan is interested in this skill.

On the one hand, it is special and can evolve!

On the other hand, of course, it can store things and achieve unexpected results!

Very useful!

And the most important point is Lin Fan's idea!

Because through the interpretation of the ten shadow spells, after the shikigami is completely destroyed, the spells and powers left by the shikigami will be inherited by other shikigami!

This detail gave Lin Fan a very naughty idea!

That is, after all the shikigami are subdued, then pick out one that you like, and then destroy all the remaining shikigami!

In this way, the spells and abilities of other shikigami will inevitably be inherited by the shikigami left by Lin Fan! Otherwise

, if not all of them are subdued, after the shikigami is destroyed, it is not certain which shikigami will inherit it!

If most of it is inherited by Moxu Luo, wouldn't it be more difficult to subdue it?

But if all of them are subdued, and finally destroyed and inherited.

What will it look like in the end, this makes Lin Fan very curious!

But this matter really can't be rushed.

According to the rules of subjugation, Lin Fan is not sure whether his resurrection from the dead is considered a failure of subjugation.

So I will do it when I am completely sure that I can kill the Demon-Subduing Void in one shot.

Subduing the Demon-Subduing Void is indeed a very troublesome matter.

If you cannot kill it with one strike, it is almost equivalent to a failure.

So this matter can only be put on hold for the time being.

But now it is okay to use this skill to store things.

Let's see if I can get more cursed tools from Principal Ye Mo.

Or wait to copy the skills of an interesting person!

The next morning.

After Lin Fan got up, he found that Yuji Itadori had also gotten up early.

Lin Fan smiled faintly and said:

"So positive?"

Yujin Itadori smiled innocently and made a gesture of effort, and replied:

"Of course! I have reasons to become stronger!"

Lin Fan nodded: (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"That's fine.

Then let's warm up first, and then start sparring!"

Itadori Yujin nodded with great interest,"Okay!"

Twenty minutes later......

The warm-up was over.

The two of them came to an open space not far from the secret base.

Lin Fan waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Start, attack me with all your strength!

Don't hold back!"

Yuji Itadori nodded solemnly.

At this time, Lin Fan smiled strangely and said:

"Oh, right! You have to be mentally prepared!"

Yuji Itadori was stunned.

What mental preparation?

Lin Fan's sudden words made him a little confused.

And Lin Fan's smile always felt a little malicious and creepy?

However, Yuji Itadori did not think about it any more, and began to concentrate his attention. The cursed power in his body began to slowly flow on his fists!

Then he suddenly attacked Lin Fan!

There was almost no rules or routines in the attack, just an ordinary punching attack.

Lin Fan had a faint smile on his face and dodged easily.

Yuji Itadori couldn't help but feel that Lin Fan's body movements seemed to have become as smooth as flowing water, and no matter how hard he hit, he couldn't hit him!

Lin Fan suddenly shouted:

"You can calculate the opponent's moves and positions in your mind, but you can't stop attacking!

This is a warning!

There won't be a next time!"

Yuji Itadori nodded solemnly.

Then he focused on attacking Lin Fan again.

Lin Fan still moved like flowing water, so that Yuji Itadori couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

At this time, Yuji Itadori began to be dazed again.

As soon as he thought about a problem, his movements became stagnant.

He couldn't do two things at once!

This time Lin Fan didn't tolerate him!

With a single wave of his hand, Yuji Itadori's two forearms flew out.

Yuji Itadori stared at his disappearing arms in a daze, and was stunned for a moment.

Then he showed a look of disbelief and screamed in pain.

At this time, Lin Fan's majestic voice sounded again:

"Calm down!

If you can't even stand the pain of a broken arm, then don't even think about becoming a strong man!"

After hearing this, although Yuji Itadori was still puzzled, he gritted his teeth and endured the pain.

Lin Fan continued with a serious expression:

"Attack! Have you lost your fighting power after breaking both arms?"

Yuji Itadori gritted his teeth, his whole body was soaked in sweat, and blood was still oozing out of his broken arms!

But at this time, Yuji Itadori's bloodiness was aroused!

This kind of bloodiness would only be aroused when he was on the verge of death.

At this moment, Yuji Itadori also truly regarded Lin Fan as an enemy.

Not an opponent for sparring!

Lin Fan looked at Yuji Itadori's crazy attack.

He smiled faintly.

Then he said:

"The bloodiness has indeed been aroused.

But you have lost your composure and your attacks have become disorganized.

Now it seems that your attack speed has increased and your attacks have become stronger, but in fact, there are many loopholes!"As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, he hit him with another hand knife.

This time, he actually cut off half of Yuji Itadori's head!

Yuji Itadori instantly lost his life signs and fell straight to the ground!

PS: (A long chapter of 3,500 words)

I would like to ask everyone a question, which anime do you all like those abilities in?

I saw someone in the comment area saying that they like Onmyoji: Twin Stars.

Do you have any other talents or skills you like?

The author will arrange them later.

It has been arranged in the early stage, so I can't meet everyone's requirements.

The talents and skills that everyone likes in the later stage, the author will arrange���

So if you like anything else, you can leave a message in the comment area. Maybe you and the author will have the same talents and skills! By the way, this time the author is not a water text!

The author has ellipsis marks in the skill introduction! Please subscribe to the full version!!!! Please subscribe to your own version!!! Please support!! righteousness!.

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