Yuji Itadori, who was lying on the ground, suddenly woke up!

He sat up suddenly, gasping for breath and sweating all over, as if he had had a terrible nightmare!

Yuji Itadori knocked on his swollen head, feeling dizzy and his vision was blurry.

He looked at his still intact hands.

Yuji Itadori was relieved.

Was it a dream?

What a strange nightmare!

He actually dreamed that he was fighting with Lin Fan, and then Lin Fan chopped off his arms, and finally chopped off his head!

How ridiculous!

"Wake up?"

Lin Fan's voice suddenly came, and Yuji Itadori was startled!

Yuji Itadori's eyes gradually became clear.

As a result, he was horrified to find that he was in the open space outside the secret base!

Looking at half of his head and two arms not far away, Yuji Itadori suddenly felt his stomach churning.

This is not a dream!!!

Lin Fan really killed him just now!!!

Yuji Itadori looked at Lin Fan with horror.

It was still that familiar face, and it was still that face...���A young man with a smile as if encountering spring breeze!

What the hell is going on!!!

Why am I still alive after being killed? ? ?

I clearly saw my broken arms and half-headed head not far away at"470", why am I intact now? ? ?

Lin Fan chuckled, and then said lightly:

"Try to get used to it.

You have to get used to that kind of pain.

Feel that kind of pain.

Don't let the physical pain control your thoughts!

Even if you only have a mouth left! You have to bite off the enemy's throat for me!

A truly strong person will always remain calm even when facing a mountain collapse!

If you want to become stronger!

You must achieve this!"

After hearing this, Yuji Itadori gradually put away the fear on his face.

But he still frowned and his body was still shaking slightly.

At this time, Lin Fan said loudly:

"Don’t you want to become stronger?!"

Yuji Itadori gritted his teeth, lowered his head and dared not look directly into Lin Fan’s eyes, but said in a firm tone:

"I think!"

Lin Fan's voice suddenly became fierce, and he yelled at Yuji Itadori:

"Speak louder! Tell me if you want to become stronger!"

Yujin Itadori suddenly stood up, looked at Lin Fan with a firm gaze and shouted loudly:

"I want to! I want to become stronger!!!"

Lin Fan showed a satisfied smile.

Then he walked to Yuji Itadori, patted his shoulder and said:

"All the unfairness in this world is caused by one's own lack of strength!

Don't you want to die properly?

If you are always the trash who can only roar helplessly when facing the special-grade cursed spirit and finally wait for death!

Then how can you save others?

How can you let them die properly?"

After hearing this, Yuji Itadori's face gradually became calm and low, and his body stopped shaking.

He thought about it for a while, then looked Lin Fan in the eyes and said:

"You are right, Fan!

If I can't even bear this pain, then how can I talk about saving others?

Thank you, Fan!

I understand!"

Lin Fan smiled faintly and nodded, saying:

"Then I will continue!

Today's goal is to practice until you can break your arms and legs without frowning!

The pain in your body will not affect your mind to continue to attack calmly!

Do you understand?"


Yuji Itadori nodded seriously, and then gradually entered the state of concentration at the beginning.

The blue cursed power on both hands reappeared!

Lin Fan smiled, also took a fighting stance and said:

"Very good!

But don't worry, you will never die with me here!

This is what I said before, the shortcut for you to become stronger quickly!

As long as your soul is not hurt, I can restore all the damage to your body!

This way you can fight between life and death repeatedly!

It will make you burst out all the potential in your body!

With my guidance, you will definitely be able to raise your strength to a great level in a short period of time!

So now....."Training begins!"

When practicing with Yuji Itadori, Lin Fan deliberately turned off the effect of the Holy Soul.

Otherwise, no one would be able to save Yuji Itadori!

Even the Ryomen Sukuna in his body couldn't save him at all, and he could only stare blankly. As soon as

Lin Fan finished speaking, Yuji Itadori's fist came over!

Now he punches decisively!

But he lacks ruthlessness! He doesn't attack the vital points of others with every move, which is a very bad habit!

However, when dealing with cursed spirits, the vital points cannot be defined by the vital points of people.

So Lin Fan did not point out Yuji Itadori's shortcomings in this regard.

Although Yuji Itadori still doesn't have any moves and routines, it is already very good compared to before!

""Look! There's a UFO!"

While Lin Fan continued to dodge, he suddenly shouted in a direction behind Yuji Itadori.

Yuji Itadori was stunned and subconsciously looked back.

It was at this moment of flaw that one of his arms was cut off by Lin Fan again!

Yuji Itadori stared blankly at his left arm that was bleeding, and then he came to his senses. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He was fooled!

The pain rushed straight to his brain!

But this time Yuji Itadori gritted his teeth and endured it.

Then he didn't hesitate and immediately attacked Lin Fan!

While dodging easily, Lin Fan said seriously:

"You have to remember this all the time! You are fighting the enemy!

How can you be distracted when fighting the enemy?

You have to learn to do two things at once, and don't just use your eyes to see things!

You still have ears!

You have to learn to perceive!

Just like the situation just now, even if what the enemy said is true, you have to perceive it without affecting the battle! As the saying goes, keep your eyes on all directions and your ears on all sides!

Don't let your ears be useless!

Got it!"

"Got it!" Yuji Itadori nodded and replied, without stopping his attack.

Although he was listening to Lin Fan's words, he was able to concentrate on his words.

"Fushiguro! Why are you here?"

Not long after, Lin Fan tried again.

But this time, Yuji Itadori only paused and was not deceived by Lin Fan.

Lin Fan nodded with satisfaction.

It seems that the second stage can be carried out!

This time, Lin Fan suddenly stopped, and did not dodge at all when facing Yuji Itadori's fist.

Although Yuji Itadori was a little confused about Lin Fan's sudden action, he did not hesitate at all, but continued to attack!

A Jingting Fist hit Lin Fan's face hard!

Just when the fist was about to fall, Lin Fan stretched out one hand and caught the punch steadily.

Feeling this belated curse power, the second attack brought..........

Lin Fan shook his head in disappointment and asked Yuji Itadori to stop.

"Stop it, this move of yours is wrong!"

Yuji Itadori stopped, with a puzzled look on his face.

What's wrong?

Lin Fan first healed Yuji Itadori's injuries, and then said to him:

"Remember I told you before that your Niwa Fist was useless?"

Yuji Itadori nodded.

How could he not remember?

He could still vaguely remember that he was very excited because he had practiced his first skill.

But then Lin Fan poured a bucket of cold water on him and humiliated him severely.

Lin Fan continued:"Your Niwa Fist is formed by delaying the cursed power that is usually not delayed through your extraordinary physical fitness.

This may make people feel unexpected, but it is only limited to dealing with ordinary opponents.

If you want to deal with experienced sorcerers or special-grade cursed spirits, this will never work!"

Yuji Itadori was stunned, then thought for a while and said:

"Then I can just let my cursed power just keep up with my attack, right?

But although this is the truth, I have tried it, and for some reason, my cursed power is always a beat slower."

Lin Fan smiled and did not answer in a hurry.

Because of this question, he was actually the least qualified person to answer it for Yuji Itadori.

Because he did not need to feel or operate his own cursed power.

His cursed power was like the blue bar in the game. When releasing skills, he consumed the energy in the blue bar, and he did not need to flow his cursed power to release the spell.

This is the awesomeness of the system! It is very convenient!

However, Yuji Itadori's question was too easy to answer for Lin Fan, who knew everything about anime.

He only needed to repeat what Toudou Aoi had said to him at the subsequent exchange meeting.

The stronger Yuji Itadori became, the more interesting it would be later!

I really wanted to see the shocked faces of Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara.

By then, Toudou Aoi couldn't beat Yuji Itadori, and that would be fun!

Lin Fan said with a faint smile:

"The reason why your cursed energy is a beat slower is because you are letting it flow!"

Yuji Itadori was confused.

Isn't it right to let the cursed energy flow?

With doubts, Yuji Itadori quickly said:

"It's because the spell power is a beat slower that I made it flow faster!"

Lin Fan shook his head and continued to explain:

"Many sorcerers will consciously let the cursed energy flow.

The common theory is that the cursed energy generated from negative emotions starts from the navel and flows to the whole body.

From the navel through the chest, the cursed energy flows through the shoulders, arms, and fists.

This idea of dividing the body into parts will delay the cursed energy!"

Yuji Itadori's expression froze.

He is indeed like this!

This is why, even if he lets the cursed energy flow faster, it will be a beat slower.

So that's it!

Yuji Itadori seemed to understand a little!

PS: Thank you yumengz.. for the monthly ticket support!!! Thank you

Kamane for the monthly ticket support!!!

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I said: Hieu Baocot

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