Lin Fan continued:

"The idea of letting the cursed energy flow is not wrong in itself.

But this is just the first step!

Don't be too limited by this way of thinking!

The more first-rate the sorcerer is, the more difficult it is to guess the direction of his cursed energy!

And the reason why it is difficult to guess is different from yours.

Can we think with our stomachs?

Can we get angry with our brains?

Listen carefully, Itadori!

We exist in this world with our whole body and mind!

It's so taken for granted that everyone has forgotten it!

So it's the same with your cursed energy!

Don't use it deliberately, but let it flow naturally throughout your body like blood!"

Yuji Itadori widened his eyes, and his gaze began to wander.

At this moment, he finally......Sudden enlightenment!

Lin Fan looked at Yuji Itadori, whose whole body was gradually enveloped by the cursed power, and showed an expectant smile.

When the exchange meeting comes, Yuji Itadori will definitely surprise everyone!

He is now much stronger than the original anime!

Yuji Itadori once again took a fighting stance and said to Lin Fan with a focused look:

"I understand!"

Lin Fan chuckled and said:

"What are you waiting for?

The fight continues!" It

's unknown how long the fight lasted.

Both of them fought madly without getting tired!

The open space on the side was filled with various limbs of Itadori Yuji!

The ground was blood red!

It was very creepy to look at! 19 The fight stopped only when two outsiders arrived.

Lin Fan smiled and greeted:

"Gojo Sensei!"

Yujin Itadori was unmoved, thinking that Lin Fan was lying to him again!

Looking at the impending fist, Lin Fan was speechless.

It was really in vain that he taught him. What about listening carefully?

This was just judging whether he was lying or not!

Lin Fan went up and punched Yujin Itadori, knocking him flying!

He just happened to fall at the feet of Gojo Satoru.

Yujin Itadori rubbed his face in pain, then looked up and saw Gojo Sensei, and immediately exclaimed:

"Gojo-sensei! Is it really you?"

Gojo Satoru raised his eyebrows and asked,"What else?"

Then he looked at the horrible scene and said,"This is......"

However, he quickly figured everything out, then smiled and gave Lin Fan a thumbs up, praising him:

"You are very thoughtful, Lin Fan!"

Nanami Kento, who came with Gojo Satoru, asked in confusion:

"This is.....What's going on?"

If he wasn't an experienced and veteran sorcerer, if an ordinary person saw this scene, he would probably be scared to death!

The blood all over the ground and the broken limbs, those who didn't know would think that a small-scale war had broken out here!

Yuji Itadori smiled and scratched his head and explained:

"He Fan practiced with him, on the ground....Forehead.....All the limbs on the ground are mine.


When did they get so many!

It's so creepy!"

Nanaha Kento's mouth twitched twice.

How did two people fight to get so many broken limbs?

And there's even half a head!

Noticing Nanami Kento's abnormality, Gojo Satoru explained with a smile:

"The boy standing opposite you, as I said before, is Lin Fan.

Not only is he powerful, but he can also reverse the spell!

He can even heal others!"

Nanami Kento immediately understood and pushed his glasses.

At this time, Gojo Satoru clapped his hands, then put his hand on Nanami Kento's shoulder, and introduced them to the two with a smile:

"Let me introduce you!

This is the sorcerer who has stopped working as an office worker, Nanami Kento!

He will lead you on missions in the future!"

Nanami Kento crossed his arms and said expressionlessly:

"Please don't introduce me in this way."

Gojo Satoru smiled and continued:

"There are many strange sorcerers, but this guy has worked in a company, so he is very reliable.

And he is also a first-class sorcerer!"

Nanaha Kento pushed his glasses and continued:

"I guess other people don't want you to say that either."

Yuji Itadori and Lin Fan were both stunned.

Yuji Itadori asked the question that Lin Fan had in mind, and he asked directly:

"Don’t we already have Fan?

Are there any difficult tasks that require the three of us to do?"

Gojo Satoru shook his head helplessly and explained:

"It's not that the next mission is difficult, but that Lin Fan's destructive power is too strong!

So Nanami will lead you to carry out the mission, and Lin Fan cannot take action!"

Lin Fan's face suddenly turned black.

Good guy!

I was just wondering why Nanami Kento came back when he was taking Yuji Itadori to do the mission.

So it was because of this!

Isn't it just knocking down a building?

Is it that serious?

Besides, it's not like I didn't pay you!

Gojo Satoru came to Lin Fan with a smile, then put his arm on his shoulder and continued:

"There's nothing we can do about it.

You know about Hisahito's current identity, and it's been kept secret.

But the noise you made was too big, and we can't suppress it if it happens again. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

So, I have to inconvenience you!"

Lin Fan nodded helplessly.

Then he thought proudly.

If he doesn't want to take action, then he won't take action.

He doesn't even look down on the second and third level cursed spirits!

Lin Fan now just has to wait for the real person to appear.

Lin Fan really has no interest in other cursed spirits.

At this time, Hisahito Itadori also stood up and looked at Nanami Kento.


There are so many people covering their eyes.......

Yuji Itadori asked:

"Since you don't want to be an office worker anymore, why don't you just become a sorcerer right from the start?"

Nanami Kento crossed his arms and said calmly:

"Should I say hello first?"

As soon as Nanami Kento finished speaking, he lowered his arms, bowed slightly and said:

"Nice to meet you, hello, Yuji-san and Lin Fan-san.

Yuji Yujin also bowed slightly and said:

"Nice to meet you, hello!"

Lin Fan was staring at Nanami Kento's panel in a trance, revealing a somewhat surprised expression.

【Name: Nanami Kento

【Talent: Calm and composed (D)

【Skills: Ten-stroke spells: Wall-falling Wall-falling (S), Black Flash (A+)

【Favorability]: 10 (good first impression)

【Ten-stroke spell: [Waluo Waluo]: Divide the length of the target into equal parts, and forcibly create a weak point on the enemy at the 7:3 point. As long as you hit the point, you can trigger 200% critical damage. (You can specify any part as the attack target, and it is also effective for non-biological objects, but it can only be used in close combat and not in long-range attacks)

【[Black Flash]: When the error between the physical attack and the impact caused by the cursed force is within 0.000001 seconds, the space distortion will cause 500% damage! (The damage is based on the user's current basic damage)

This panel really surprised Lin Fan!

The five-fold critical strike of Black Flash alone has made Lin Fan regard it as the first skill to copy.

But the most surprising thing is Nanami Kento's ten-stroke spell: Tile Falling Tile Falling.

Lin Fan never expected that its effect would be to force a weakness!

This is a bit perverted!

This is equivalent to forced defense breaking!

And it can also cause double damage!

Defense breaking plus critical strike, if you don’t choose this attribute in the game, you have a problem with your brain!

Lin Fan quickly showed a friendly smile, walked forward, stretched out his hand and said:

"Hello, hello! Mr. Nanami!

Nice to meet you!"

Nanami Kento was stunned, and politely extended his hand to shake it.

Then he asked with some doubt:

"Do you know me?"

660 Lin Fan shook his head and said with a smile:

"No! I don't know him!

But it's a pity that we met too late!"

Nanami Kento was a little confused by Lin Fan's enthusiasm.

Yuji Itadori complained:

"Mr. Nanami, please don't mind. Fan was like this when he first saw me."

Nanami Kento nodded in surprise.

Three seconds later, Lin Fan let go of his hand with a smile and stepped aside.

Nanami Kento pushed his glasses and answered the question that Yuji Itadori had asked before:

"Let me answer the question that Mr. Itadori just asked.

When I was studying at Jujutsu High School, I noticed a problem!

Jujutsu masters are shit!!!"

After hearing this, Yuji Itadori was confused. What the hell is going on?

Nanami Kento ignored everyone's confused expressions and continued:

"When I was working at the company, I realized another problem!

Labor is also shit!!!"

Yuji Itadori had a big mouth and was stunned and didn't know what to say.

Nanami Kento continued with a dark face:

"Since they are all shit, why not choose someone who is more suitable for me?

That's why I came back."

Yujin Itadori said in his speechless novel:

"It's so dark......."

Gojo Satoru nodded and said in agreement:

"I think so too."

At this time, Nanami Kento said to Itadori Yuji seriously:

"Mr. Itadori, please don't think that I have the same idea as Mr. Gojo.

I just trust him and believe in him."

Gojo Satoru showed a smug expression after hearing this.

Yuji Itadori curled his lips.

But at this time, Kento Nanami shouted loudly:

"But I don't respect him!"

"Ah! ?" Gojo Satoru was stunned on the spot.

PS: Please order all!!! Please order by yourself!!! Please support!!!.

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