If we talk about who is the curse spirit that Lin Fan hates the most in the world of curses, it must be the real person!

Lin Fan does not hate curse spirits.

To him, there is no difference between curse spirits and humans.

Humans are divided into good and bad, and curse spirits are naturally the same.

It's just a different standpoint.

But what the real person did really made Lin Fan feel disgusted and sick!

But it's no wonder.

He was originally a curse spirit born from the hatred and fear of people towards each other.

He naturally inherited these characteristics of insidiousness, cunningness, cruelty and ruthlessness! Is

Ryomen Sukuna evil or not?

He is indeed evil!

But his evil is the evil that regards everything as ants!

It can be said that he is more like a tyrant, and the emperor will be angry and corpses will be spread all over the world!

But the evil of the real person is the kind of treacherous and cunning evil that villains succeed in!

In his eyes, humans are also regarded as ants!

But his behavior is like a perverted murderer, which is disgusting!

This is the essential difference between Ryomen Sukuna and the real person.

Of course, this is why Ryoumen Sukuna looked down on him!

How could a real devil look down on a bastard who wanted to be a devil?

So Lin Fan hated him very much!

When the Shibuya incident was done, Lin Fan would kill him!

But.........In the near future, Lin Fan will still be able to collect some interest first.......

A few hours later, in a villa not far from the scene of the crime, three people sat at the table and listened to the conclusion of the autopsy of the body by the family member Nitroko on the other end of the phone.

"It's a human.

No, it should be said that it was originally a human.

Just like the three people who died mysteriously in the cinema, their bodies were forcibly transformed into this state by magic."

Nanami Kento analyzed it calmly and raised a question:

"If that was all, I would have noticed it from the beginning.

The two people fighting with us were full of cursed power like cursed spirits!"

Jiali Glass on the other end of the phone also said helplessly:

"The only thing we can do now is to go find the criminal and ask him what this technique is all about.

However, there are signs of tampering near the brain stem, probably to cause impaired consciousness and make people fall into a state of confusion.

If even the brain can be transformed, maybe people can be transformed to be able to use cursed power.

After all, the relationship between the brain and cursed power is still an unsolved mystery.

By the way!

Is Mr. Itadori listening?"

Yuji Itadori, who had been in a low mood, was stunned for a moment when he heard someone calling him, and quickly replied:

"I'm listening!"

The woman on the other end of the line continued:

"To put it simply, their cause of death was shock caused by the transformation.

So it wasn't you who killed them, don't feel burdened."

(bjfa) Yuji Itadori said in a low voice:"Yeah."

Lin Fan, who had remained silent, suddenly smiled and said:

"Doctor Nitro is such a gentle person."

The person on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned, then smiled and said:

"So Lin Fan is here too, so you have to give Yuji some advice."

Lin Fan smiled faintly and agreed:

"Of course."

After Lin Fan finished speaking, Nanami Kento hung up the phone.

Itadori Yuji then said:

"Whatever the cause of death, it is equally heavy for me......."Yuji Itadori's eyes widened with anger, his fists clenched, and he spoke out his words with anger:

"This is too bad!"

Lin Fan and Nanami Kento could clearly feel the anger of Yuji Itadori at this moment.

Nanami Kento stared at Yuji Itadori meaningfully.

He thought to himself that this kid is a person who really gets angry for others.

Nanami Kento said:

"That remnant is a bait, probably to lure us over.

The other party is not simple.

It seems that we can't do it, so let's cheer up!"

""Okay!" Yuji Itadori answered enthusiastically.

At this time, Lin Fan said to Yuji Itadori meaningfully:

"Go ahead, Tiger Stick!

I'll take care of everything!"

"Yeah!" Yuji Itadori smiled and nodded confidently.


Fan is still here!

Even if it is a special-grade cursed spirit, it is not a problem for Fan!

I must find that abominable guy!

Let him be buried with these innocent people who died!!!

6:25 pm. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ijichi Jiegao has brought all the information here. Nanami Kento posted a map on the wall, and then said to everyone:

"The people who have disappeared recently and those who have died mysteriously have all been compiled into a report.

This will help us to locate the criminals to a certain extent!"

Yuji Itadori said confidently:

"Okay! Then we should just rush in and destroy his base!"

Nanami Kento replied calmly:

"No, I can't be sure yet, I will continue to investigate.

I have another job for you, Yuji......"

Nanami Kento put a photo on the wall and said:

"The boy in the cinema at the time was Yoshino Junpei.

He was a classmate of the victim in the same high school.

Judging from the surveillance video and his behavior, the possibility that he was a curser was very low.

But there was a connection between him and the victim, which was another matter."

At this time, Yuji Itadori raised a question:

"Curse Master?

What is a Curse Master?

I wanted to ask this the last time Fan brought it up."

Nanaha Kento explained:

"A curse master, to put it bluntly, is a curse master of a bad nature.

I will leave the follow-up arrangements to Ichichi.

Please investigate Yoshino Junpei together."

Yuji Itadori nodded and agreed:


Oh, by the way! What about


Isn't he going with us?"

Nanami Kento pushed his glasses and said calmly:

"He and I will go to investigate together, so that we can find the criminal's base faster."

Lin Fan kept smiling and didn't say anything.

"All right then." Yuji Itadori nodded, and prepared to go on the mission with Ijichi Kitsuo tomorrow.

At this time, they left first, but Ijichi Kitsuo, who had not taken two steps, came back and asked Nanami Kento:

"You are not sure, have you already known the location of the criminal?"

Nanami Kento answered frankly:

"Of course.

If the criminal wants to, he can leave the scene without leaving any residue.

This is to lure us over.

Itadori is still too young, and it would be risky to take him with us.

But now that Lin Fan is here, there should be no problem."

At this time, Itadori Yujin also turned back and said with a smile:

"Teacher Nanami! I forgot to tell you, you have to be careful!"

Nanami Kento was stunned for a moment, then answered the question irrelevantly:


I'm not a teaching staff, don't call me teacher."

Yuji's eyes lit up:

"Then call me Nanami!"

Nanami Kento's face darkened,"Believe it or not, I will beat you up!"

The next morning.

Ijichi Jietaka and Itadori Yuji went to test Yoshino Junpei. Nanami

Kento and Lin Fan found the location of the remnant's instructions.

It was in a dark sewer.

There were many transformed human monsters everywhere.

Nanami Kento loosened his tie and said calmly:

"Leave these to me."

Lin Fan stood behind Nanami Kento with a faint smile and did not reply.

His eyes were slightly bright.

I am really looking forward to it!

We will meet soon.......Real person!

PS: The author should post a chapter after finishing it, otherwise it feels like there are too many tasks, haha!

Thanks to Banqing. The monthly ticket support!!!

Thanks to 18304.. for the ticket for urging more!!! Please subscribe to the whole book!!! Please subscribe to your own book!!! Please support!!!

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