These humans who were transformed into third-level cursed spirits were too easy for the first-level sorcerer Nanami Kento!

However, there were so many of them that after almost all of them were dealt with, Nanami Kento became a little impatient.

He whispered to the air:

"If you want to come out, please come out quickly. Although these aliens can no longer be called human beings, killing people still makes me feel very uncomfortable!

You know these things can't do anything to me, so please don't waste your time!"

Nanaha Kento's voice had just fallen.

At this time, a lazy man slowly walked out of the dark corridor of the sewer.

He said in a frivolous tone and casual expression:

"Oh My God~~

Great, great.~~

If Gojo Satoru comes, I will be very troubled. If someone too weak comes, we can't do the experiment......Just right!"

The real person who came closer tilted his head and looked at Lin Fan who was not far behind Nanami Jianren, and said happily:


You are here too!

What a surprise!

Do you like the gift I gave you before?"

Nanami Kento's eyes condensed.

Who is he?

His curse power is unfathomable, and he is an unpredictable master!

But it is certain that he is a curse spirit!

What he just said, does he know Lin Fan?

Why has Lin Fan never mentioned it?

In an instant, several thoughts appeared in Nanami Kento's mind.

But what Lin Fan said next dispelled his doubts.

Lin Fan smiled faintly and said:

"I like it, how could I not like it. It's just that the gift you gave is too small, can you send a few more special grade curse spirits next time?......There's not enough fun!"

Lin Fan looked at the real person's panel and showed great interest.

【Name: Real person

【Level]: Special grade curse spirit

【[Talent]: Soul Constitution (A)

【Skills: Inaction Transformation Evolution (A)

【Favorability]: 30 (very interested)

【Soul Constitution: The body is forged with the soul. The soul is immortal and the body can be regenerated. The soul can also recover on its own when it is damaged.

【[Evolution by Inaction]: Only those with soul-related talents can use it. You can change the soul form by touching it, change the opponent's appearance and age, or turn yourself into another creature, and you can also instantly destroy the opponent's soul and body. (You can change your own physical form at will, but you cannot use it on your opponent when your own body is changed)

The auxiliary skills of the evolution of spells are as follows:

【Wuwei Transformation: Multiple Souls]: Merge two or more souls into one

【Wuwei Transformation: Multiple Soul Body Transfer: Utilizes the rejection reaction caused by multiple souls to make the mass of the souls grow explosively, and then shoots it towards the opponent.

【Wuwei Transformation: Multiple Souls and Several Souls of the Heterogeneous Body]: Multiple souls with weak rejection reactions are merged into special cyborgs with explosive and super strong attack power.

Lin Fan can really use this skill of Wuwei Transformation!

Originally, he was going to kill the real person directly after the Shibuya Incident to get the reward.

I didn't expect that I could copy a useful skill by the way.

It seems that the recent plan needs to be slightly changed.

It just so happens that the cooling time of the system copy ability has expired, so I will copy Wuwei Transformation first to play with it!

Lin Fan came to Nanami Kento's side, patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Leave it to me. You wait for me and it will be over soon.

Nanami Kento nodded and said:

""Okay, try to be quick, I don't want to work overtime."

After saying that, Nanami Kento stepped aside.

Lin Fan twisted his neck with a relaxed look on his face and started stretching on his own.

Then he did not forget to temporarily block the effect of the Holy Spirit, because he was afraid of killing the real person!

The Shibuya incident must happen, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to brush rewards!

Lin Fan can't let the real person kill him by mistake because of a momentary casualness.

This bastard is still valuable and can be used.

What about the next few encounters?......Lin Fan felt like he could have some fun first.

It would be so boring to kill him directly, wouldn't that be too easy for him?

As the saying goes

, you have to destroy his heart before killing him! The recent encounters are just the right time to destroy his heart!

And now Lin Fan is going to lay the groundwork for the first heart-breaking!

It's very interesting to break down his defenses little by little!

Lin Fan is such a person, he will repay those who are good to him a hundredfold!

And for those who are not good to him, especially those like Zhenren.

Then you are in trouble, Lin Fan's evil is more domineering than anyone else!

Evildoers will be punished by evildoers!

At this time, Zhenren had not realized that his doomsday was coming, and he was still staring at Lin Fan with an evil smile on his face.

After Lin Fan finished his stretching exercises, he stretched again.

Then he hooked his finger at Zhenren, showed a sinister smile and said:

"come over......Let me beat you to death!"

The real person didn't care about Lin Fan's words at all, but black and purple curse power emerged from his hands, and he rushed towards Lin Fan with an evil smile on his face!

He did not hold back his strength, because from the previous test, he already knew that Lin Fan had the ability to exorcise the special curse spirit.

Although he was full of confidence in his own strength, he couldn't be arrogant.

He wanted to have a good time with Lin Fan first, and then transform him into a perfect work!

The real person rushed to Lin Fan and punched him quickly.

But Lin Fan didn't rush to attack, but easily dodged the real person's attack.

His steps were as smooth as flowing water, so that the real person couldn't touch him at all!

Seeing that his fists couldn't hit him, the real person immediately turned his arms into a sickle-like shape and quickly chopped at Lin Fan!

Lin Fan whispered:

"Eight Gates of Ninjutsu! The first gate! Open!"

As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, his speed doubled!

The real person still couldn't hit Lin Fan!

This made the real person reveal an evil grin, and he became more and more interested in Lin Fan! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Then his two arms turned into dozens of long whips!

There were many blade-like sharp blades on the whips!

Then he swung them towards Lin Fan!

Such a large-scale strangulation!

He wanted to see how Lin Fan would dodge this time!

Lin Fan smiled contemptuously.

That's it?


Just a good time to try out his new skills!

""Flowing Rock Crushing Fist! Flowing Water Formation!"

Lin Fan's hands suddenly swiped around at super high speed!

The afterimage was as clear as flowing water!

Then it seemed as if a protective shield was formed around him!

After the dozens of whip blades of the real person fell, they were surprisingly bounced off!

The real person's expression condensed.

Lin Fan's strength was somewhat beyond his expectations.

He quickly threw out a few humans who had been shrunk by him, and after using Wuwei to transform them into curse spirits, he ordered them to attack Lin Fan.

How could these low-level curse spirits be Lin Fan's opponents?

The real person is not stupid, and he knew this.

But he likes to play with people's hearts, just wanting Lin Fan to feel sorry for his kind, so as to reveal a flaw!

At that time, it will be a good opportunity to attack!

Sure enough, every curse spirit that rushed towards Lin Fan shouted for help, which was very pitiful!

However, the real person's calculations were wrong.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Fan not only did not He was not affected at all, and did not even show any expression of reluctance. He directly threw a full-power curse fireball!

Send these poor people to heaven!

The real person obviously did not expect it.

He narrowly avoided the huge fireball attack.

He stared at Lin Fan with a look of surprise.

Nanami Kento, who was watching the battle not far away, was dumbfounded.

Although he had heard from Mr. Gojo that Lin Fan had the ability to exorcise special-grade cursed spirits.

But now that he saw the strength displayed by Lin Fan, he was still shocked! He is worthy of being the one who said that all the unfairness in the world is caused by the lack of one's own ability!

The strength is indeed terrifying!

However, what Nanami Kento could never have imagined was that Lin Fan was not using his full strength at all. He even had a lot of reservations in his strength!

In the battle, neither side was in a hurry to take action.

The real person asked in some confusion:

"Don't you feel pity for these people?"

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, then smiled faintly and said:


It is quite pitiful.

But instead of letting them suffer so much, I would rather send them on their last journey!"

Zhenren laughed.

What an interesting soul!

He could not help but want to take a closer look at what Lin Fan's soul looked like!

At this time, Zhenren asked a question that made no sense:

"I said....Which one do you think came first, the soul or the body?"

Lin Fan smiled but did not answer.

The real person continued to talk to himself:

"Isn't there a question like that, which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Is the soul housed in the body?

Or is the soul wrapped in the body?"

Lin Fan sneered, showing a contemptuous expression and said:

"Soul? Body?

You are so weak in both of them, what qualifications do you have to ask me such questions?


The frivolous smile on the real person's face disappeared.

It is not difficult to see that he is now......Very angry!

PS: The pictures in this chapter are a must-see! If the real person looks like this, can you still do it?

Let's talk about Yoshino Junpei and his overly beautiful mother. Will Lin Fan save them?

Of course!

This is also what I mentioned in this chapter. Lin Fan suddenly changed his recent plans because he thought of a perfect idea!

You can look forward to it~!

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