"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha~~~!!!!"

Yoshinoya was filled with the laughter of Yoshino's mother and Yuji Itadori.

Yoshino Nagi slammed the table and asked urgently:

"And then, what then!?"

Yuji Itadori replied with a smile:

"Then, Aaron said confidently:

This is an alien larva!

It might be poisonous!

Don't touch it!

As a result, I picked it up out of curiosity.

Isn't this the konjac sticks in the cafeteria lunch?


Yoshino Nagi was holding a beer in her hand, laughing so hard that tears were about to come out.

She waved to her son and said:

"Did you hear that! Konjac sticks! It’s Konjac sticks! Hahahahaha~~......!!!"

Yoshino Junpei was speechless, not getting the joke at all.

He said helplessly:

"Mom! You drank too much!"

Yoshino Nagi ignored him and continued to talk to Itadori Yuji:

"Oh! You are so interesting, Hisahi!

Come on! Show me something with this!"

As she said this, Yoshino Nagi���He took out a tray and handed it to Yuji Itadori.

Yoshino Junpei said speechlessly:

"Really! He is completely drunk!"

Yujin Itadori was slightly stunned.

But then he took the tray and started acting right away.

"Wilson! Wilson! Forgive me, Wilson!"

Yoshino Junpei, who was drinking Coke, spit it out directly!

He complained loudly:

"This is"Cast Away", right?"

Yuji Itadori said with a smile:

"The answer is correct!"

Yoshino Nagi leaned over with a blushing face, and then asked in confusion:

"I don't quite understand, is this a movie plot?"

At this time, Yuji Itadori took another scallion and continued to act:

"It's fire!!!"

His expression was so exaggerated that even Yoshino Junpei, who had been speechless, was amused.

Yoshino Nagi looked at her son's happy face, slightly absent-minded, and smiled gently. It had been a long time since she saw her son so happy.

At this time, the doorbell of Yoshino's house suddenly rang.

Yoshino Nagi quickly stood up and said with a smile:

"You guys chat! I'll go open the door!"

Yuji Itadori nodded and continued his funny act.

This made Yoshino Nagi laugh all the way and went to open the door.

The moment she opened the door, her smile stopped abruptly, and she stared blankly at the tall figure standing in front of her.

She couldn't help but muttered softly:

"so hot~......"

Lin Fan smiled slightly.

That spring-like smile made Yoshino Nagi's heart, which had been sealed for many years, instantly start beating fast!

In fact, although she sealed her heart, a big part of it was for her son Yoshino Junpei. She was afraid that he would be wronged, and afraid that he would not be able to accept it.

But to put it bluntly, she just hasn't met the right person.

Especially someone as handsome as Lin Fan who has no friends, there is a high probability that he is the right person!

Appearance is all in your aesthetic taste. As long as it is not too weird, does everything else matter?

What is intolerable?

It's hard not to love it!

All kinds of thoughts appeared in Yoshino Nagi's mind in an instant. She even had the idea of having another child with Lin Fan in the future.

If she gave her son a younger brother or sister, he would definitely be very happy.

Lin Fan looked at the beautiful woman Yoshino Nagi who had been staring at him blankly, and didn't think much about it.

Instead, he smiled faintly and said:

""Sister, I am a classmate of Tiger Stick, my name is Lin Fan.

I heard that he came to your house empty-handed.

So I brought some gifts to apologize to that ignorant boy Tiger Stick!"

Lin Fan picked up the big bag he was carrying in each hand.

He was very polite and courteous!

Yoshino Nagi also came to her senses at this time.

Lin Fan's call of sister made her whole body soften.

She quickly said with a smile on her face:

"Just come, what else do you need to bring! You are too polite!

Yuhito! Your classmate is here!"

Yoshino Nagi called to the living room in a tender voice, and then stretched out her hand to take the things Lin Fan bought.

Lin Fan smiled and refused,"Let me do it, sister.

There are a lot of things, and they are a bit heavy."

Yoshino Nagi nodded obediently, thinking to herself, is this boyfriend power?

At this time, Lin Fan, a straight man, probably couldn't have imagined that Yoshino's mother fell in love with him at first sight when they met for the first time!

Because they are ordinary people, Lin Fan automatically blocked her personal panel.

This is good.

It is estimated that Yoshino Junpei, who will become a classmate in the future, will definitely yell angrily after knowing this:

"I treat you as a brother, but you want to be my dad! ?"

Lin Fan took his things and went into the house. At this time, Yuji Itadori also came out of the living room.

After seeing Lin Fan, he asked in surprise:

"Lin Fan! Why are you here?"

Yoshino Junpei, who was standing behind Yuji Itadori, looked grim when he saw Lin Fan.

Is he another sorcerer? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Lin Fan said with a smile:

"Don't you know to bring anything when you visit someone?

Come and take it!"

Yuji Itadori scratched his head a little embarrassedly, thinking that it was true! It's not good to come to someone's house empty-handed when you have a meal!

Fortunately, Lin Fan is here!

He is the most reliable!

Yuji Itadori hurriedly stepped forward to take the two big bags from Lin Fan's hands.

As soon as he took them, he felt the heaviness, so he asked curiously:

"Fan, what did you buy? It's so heavy?"

After Lin Fan took off his shoes and put on the slippers handed to him by Yoshino Nagi, he smiled and said:

"Why don't you open it and see?

Forget it! Let me do it!"

Lin Fan walked forward and opened the two large bags he brought.

Then he put the things on the table one by one. Everyone was shocked.���

Isn't this sushi that only high-end restaurants have?

I heard that one portion is very expensive!

Obviously, the three of them are foodies!

They know a lot about food.

Then Lin Fan took out another portion of Wagyu beef. Yoshino

Nagi exclaimed:

"A5 grade Kobe beef!"

At this time, Yoshino Nagi's saliva was almost flowing out.

This has always been her dream!

She just wanted to have a bite of this A5 grade Kobe beef!

Unfortunately, it is too expensive. A small piece costs her a month's salary!

Although she can afford it!

But having a bite directly affects her real life!

So this has become her dream!

Yoshino Nagi's eyes have changed from shyness at the beginning to shining when she looked at Lin Fan!

She can't wait to win Lin Fan over!

He is rich and handsome!

It's really hard not to love him!

After Lin Fan took out many high-quality ingredients, he smiled and said:

"How can a family dinner be complete without sushi and hot pot!"

Then Lin Fan took out a beautiful box from the package, handed it to Yoshino Nagi, and said:

".This is the cosmetics I bought for my sister. It's just a small gift to show my respect!

I hope you like it."

"Look! You kid! Why did you buy these things!

Don’t buy them next time! It’s too expensive!"

Yoshino Nagi was flattered and took it.

She said no, but her body was honest!

What woman over 30 could afford an expensive high-end cosmetics gift box?

Lin Fan smiled, then took out a big box at the bottom of the bag and handed it to Yoshino Junpei:

"I don't know what you like, so I bought you this PS5. I don't know if you like it or not."

Yoshino Junpei hesitated.

But he didn't rush to take it.

Although he was really tempted.

Which boy can refuse a PS5?

At this time, Yuji Itadori whispered to him:

"You don't have to be polite to him, this guy is a big local tyrant, this little money is just a drop in the bucket for him!"

After hearing what Yuji Itadori said, Yoshino Junpei couldn't help but take the PS5.

Although he actually resisted rich people very much. He was bullied by rich second-generation classmates in school.

But he secretly thought in his heart, can't we treat everyone equally?

What if there are good people among the rich?......

Yoshino Junpei took the PS5 and instantly smelled delicious!

Finally, Lin Fan took out two bottles of high-quality red wine and said to everyone with a smile:

(Zhao Qian Zhao)"What are you waiting for?

Such a great atmosphere, such great ingredients!

Hurry up and take out the hot pot and cups, and start eating together!" Everyone nodded happily at Lin Fan's approachable words

, and went about their business happily.

Looking at the happy group of people, they were just like a family.

You couldn't tell that two of them were meeting for the first time!

One really has to admire Lin Fan's ability to control the situation!

With this series of operations, he directly turned from a guest to a host, and became the male host here!

No one felt anything strange!

Including Yuji Itadori!

At this moment, he was smiling like a fool.......

PS: Brothers! Don’t worry about the timeline issue, it won’t affect the plot!

The author feels that writing like this is more up-to-date and easier to accept!

Who can refuse a PS5?

Anyway, the author is envious!

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