After the hot pot was set up, everyone immediately couldn't wait to get on the table.

The four people were like a family, enjoying themselves with laughter.

The most excited one was naturally Yoshino Nagi!

She kept asking about Lin Fan's information.

Especially when both mother and son knew that Lin Fan was an orphan and had become so rich from scratch, their favorability increased instantly!

Their eyes were full of admiration!

Originally, Yoshino Junpei was more or less resistant to Lin Fan at the beginning.

He was handsome and rich, what was the difference between him and the rich second generation Ito Shota who bullied him at school?

However, after getting to know him for a while, he was surprised to find that Lin Fan was so approachable, without any rich man's airs at all, just like a sunny big brother next door!

Especially after hearing that he grew up in an orphanage, but became a rich man through his own efforts!

Yoshino Junpei not only eliminated the barriers in his heart, but also had admiration in his eyes.

He really admired and envied Lin Fan.

You can achieve success on your own!

Unlike me, I am bullied every day and feel like a waste.......

Lin Fan looked at Yoshino Junpei, who was suddenly in a low mood, and smiled.

He could naturally guess what Yoshino Junpei was thinking.

So he patted Yoshino Junpei on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Man can conquer nature! As long as you believe in yourself, you will always create your own little world!"

Yoshino Junpei was slightly stunned.

Then he looked at Lin Fan's sincere face, and his eyes were filled with hope.


Yoshino Junpei smiled warmly, and then nodded firmly.

Lin Fan smiled slightly, but there was another layer of meaning hidden under the smile.

He looked at Yoshino Junpei, who was full of confidence, hope and vision for the future, and was a little absent-minded.

The lack of hope does not make people feel desperate.

Sometimes, having hope will make people more desperate! 050

Isn't this your usual trick, real person?

Give Yoshino Junpei hope, and then make him completely desperate!

This way of playing with people's hearts is really disgusting!

It's a pity......But you met me!

These little tricks that are not presentable are all left over from my tricks!

I really look forward to when you find out that the tricks you usually use are actually used on you!

Your expression at that time will definitely be very interesting!

At this time, Yoshino Nagi was leaning on her face, looking at Lin Fan with deep affection.

That's great!

Such a person is suitable to be Junpei's father!

At this time, Yuji Itadori on the side complained:

"Teacher Fan is online again!

He always scolded me when we were in school!"

Lin Fan went up and gave Yuji Itadori a slap!

Then he laughed and scolded:

"You are everywhere!"

Everyone burst into laughter again.

Yoshino Junpei, who usually doesn't speak actively, couldn't help but ask curiously:

"Yuji, you and your classmates must have some interesting things going on, right?

Come and tell us about it!"

Yuji was slightly stunned,"Interesting things?"

Then his eyes lit up, and he immediately started talking:

"You don't know! When we first entered school, we went to meet the principal together!

Our school is a little special.

If the principal feels that you are not qualified, you cannot enter the school!

I was so difficult at that time!

It was not easy to satisfy the principal.

And Fan!

He calmly took out a black gold card and said, I will pay for all the expenses in the college from now on!"

"Wow! So handsome!" Yoshino Nagi and her son were immediately filled with admiration.

Lin Fan was speechless.

Why didn't he realize before that Yuji Itadori had such a side?

He was just a chatterbox!

At this time, Yuji Itadori continued to speak with a smug look on his face:

"You didn't see the principal's expression at that time!

He almost worshipped Fan!

I just want to say!

It's great to be rich!"

Yoshino mother and son nodded frantically.

If you have money, you can really do whatever you want!

Yoshino Nagi continued to ask:

"Anything else? Anything else?"

Yuji Itadori showed a natural and funny smile, and then continued:

"Of course!

Let me tell you!

If bringing money to school can only make you feel that he has a lot of assets.

Then the next thing will make you realize directly that having money can make you do whatever you want!

I remember that time I was in the commercial street, waiting for the arrival of new classmates.

Because the new classmates came later, and there were too many delicious and fun things on the street.

So I couldn't help wanting to go shopping and buy some things.

Guess what?

Lin Fan said directly that the whole street was his, and we could spend as we pleased without spending any money!

I was shocked at the time!

My jaw almost dropped!"

""Wow~~!!! That's awesome!!!

Please give me a dozen friends like this!!!"

Yoshino and his mother exclaimed.

Yoshino Junpei, who was no longer pretending, was just like his mother after his personality was exposed.

They were both cheerful and funny!

Three black lines appeared on Lin Fan's forehead, and he slapped Yuji Itadori on the back of his head and said:

"Even eating can't shut your mouth!"

Yuji Itadori's face turned embarrassed and he quickly shut his mouth. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this time, Lin Fan asked Yoshino Nagi with a smile on his face:

"Sister, what is your profession?"

Yoshino Nagi was slightly stunned, then put down the red wine glass in her hand and replied with a smile:


Sister , I work in sales, real estate sales!....Are you ready to take care of your sister's business?"

Lin Fan smiled and said nonchalantly:

"It's not impossible. If you have a lot of spare money, you can buy some real estate for investment.���It doesn't matter who you buy from, of course I have to take care of your business! Which real estate company are you working for?

I'll go there in person when I have time.

Yoshino Nagi thought Lin Fan was just being polite, so she replied without paying any attention:

"Sister, I work at Fanlin Real Estate, it's a big company!

Sister will reserve a good house for you, and I'll wait for you to take care of sister's business!"(bjac)

Hearing Fanlin Real Estate, Lin Fan's expression became a little strange.

Yoshino Nagi saw the clue and asked in confusion:

"What's wrong? Is there any problem with Fanlin Real Estate?"

Lin Fan smiled faintly and shook his head and said:

"That's not it.......Fanlin Real Estate is my property. I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence that my sister happens to work there."

Lin Fan finished speaking.

Everyone was stunned.

Itadori Yuji slapped his head and said:

"It's over! It starts again!

The world of the rich is really small!

They are all their own businesses!"

Looking at Yoshino Nagi who was still in a daze and surprised, Lin Fan smiled and said:

"If you don't mind, the position of sales manager will be given to you.

I will inform the secretary to handle the promotion procedures for you later, and you can start work directly tomorrow!

We are all family, so please don't be polite to me!"

Yoshino Nagi's red mouth opened slightly, and she was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a while.

But soon Yoshino Nagi came back to her senses, took Lin Fan's hand with a bright face, touched it, and almost laughed!

But she still said a little shyly:

"How can that be so nice?~......"

Yoshino Junpei complained silently:

"Mom! You still feel embarrassed?

If you keep touching Lin Fan's hands, they will become patinated!"

Yuji Itadori also said:

"Auntie, you don't have to be polite to him!

Just like me, you should target the rich!

Anyway, he has too much money to spend, so we are doing charity for him!"

A cold light flashed in Lin Fan's eyes, and then he said slowly to himself:

"It seems that I need to strengthen my training when I return!"

After hearing this, Yuji Itadori suddenly got a chill!

With a sad face, he said to Lin Fan:

"Is it too late for me to admit my mistake now?"

Lin Fan smiled faintly and asked:

"What do you think?"

Yuji Itadori was petrified and felt that his soul was about to float away.

The Yoshino mother and son were amused by Yuji Itadori's funny face.

In this way, the warm and pleasant atmosphere continued until late at night.

Until Yoshino Nagi fell asleep on the table drunkenly, the dinner ended.

Yoshino Junpei considerately covered his mother with a thin blanket.

Yuji Itadori couldn't help but sigh:

"Shunping's mother is a very good person."

""Yeah." Yoshino Junpei looked at his sleeping mother and nodded with a smile.

His mother has always been the one who supports him the most and loves him the most.

So even if he has to risk everything, he will protect his mother's happiness and safety for the rest of her life!

If something happens to his mother, he might go crazy.......

At this time, Yoshino Junpei asked Yuji Itadori:

"What kind of person is Yuji's mother?"

Yuji was stunned for a moment, then answered:

"Forehead......I haven't seen it, but my dad has a vague impression of it......"Yuji Itadori scratched his face a little shyly and continued,"But I do have a grandfather who loves me very much."

Yoshino Junpei was stunned.

It turned out that Yuji Itadori's childhood was like this.

But he always smiled so brightly.

He looked at Yuji Itadori and then at Lin Fan. The instant touch made him understand a lot of things.

He was going to drop out of school!

He was going to make a name for himself in society!

Blaming others and giving up on oneself is the behavior of a coward!

He wanted to be as cheerful as Yuji Itadori, and he wanted to be as successful as Lin Fan!

Lin Fan looked at the time and found that it was almost time.

So he patted Yuji Itadori and said:

"It's time to go back, or Mr. Ijichi will go crazy."

Itadori Yuji nodded. It was indeed late, and it was time to go back.

Yoshino Junpei was stunned and asked reluctantly:

"Are you leaving now? Won't you stay for a while?"

Yoshino Junpei was indeed reluctant to let Lin Fan and Itadori Yuji leave.

Although it was only a short dinner time.

But the sincerity of Lin Fan and Itadori Yuji made him regard them as friends from the bottom of his heart.

Lin Fan smiled faintly, patted Yoshino Junpei's shoulder, and said meaningfully:

"We will see each other again in the future, it won't be too long." PS: Thank you Banqing. Great 100VIP reward!!!

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