Inside the student assembly hall of Sato-Sakura High School,

Ito Shota on the stage was watching all this in bewilderment.

Teacher Sotomura, who was below the stage, had cold sweat on his fat face. He anxiously shook one of the students who had fallen to the ground and shouted in panic:

"What on earth is going on!

Classmate! What's wrong with you?

Wake up, classmate! Are you okay?"

"They won't die."

A voice suddenly rang out clearly in the Great Hall.

Upon hearing the voice, Mr. Sotomura looked up and looked at Yoshino Junpei who had walked into the Great Hall without knowing when.

"Yoshino?......Why? you know what happened?"

Yoshino Junpei looked at the social giant baby in front of him with indifference.

Then he lifted up his bangs that had been covering his forehead.

Several shocking new and old cigarette scars caught the eyes of Mr. Sotomura.

Yoshino Junpei said coldly:

"Teacher, do you see clearly?"

"That!......That is it!"

Teacher Sotomura was shocked. Even if he was stupid, he understood that Yoshino Junpei had been suffering from school violence!

He was naive and thought that Yoshino Junpei and Ito Shota had always been good friends.

Yoshino Junpei ignored him, but stared at Ito Shota on the stage with cold eyes, walked towards him step by step, and said slowly:

"So far, what will happen in the future...."


Ito Shota, who had been bullying Yoshino Junpei, was unusually scared at this moment.

He didn't know what had happened, but he was sure that it was all related to Yoshino Junpei!

Yoshino Junpei stopped in front of Ito Shota and asked in a cold voice:

"I have something to ask you.

It was you who put that thing in my house! ?"

The cold words were filled with endless anger!

Yoshino Junpei widened his bloodshot eyes and stared at Ito Shota!

Ito Shota, who didn't understand, asked in confusion:

"what are you talking about......"

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his arm.

He looked down and found that his arm was quickly covered with visible poison spots!

"How.....What's going on?"

Ito Shouta grabbed his arm, glared at Yoshino Junpei and shouted:

"What the hell did you do!? Ah!!!"

The poison spots instantly spread to his face, and the pain made him speechless!

Yoshino Junpei walked to Ito Shota's side, looking at his miserable appearance with cold eyes, indifferent.

He said coldly:

"It's not good."

Yoshino Junpei knocked Ito Shota to the ground with one punch and continued:

"Do you think you still have the right to ask questions now?"

At this moment, Yoshino Junpei suddenly showed a ferocious look on his face, kicking him hard again and again!

"Don't worry! You will die no matter what!

No matter if you answer YES or NO!

You will die anyway!

Because I can't tell if you are lying!

Besides, you should be punished for what you have done!

Finally, let me see your sincerity......."

Yoshino Junpei waved his hand, and Ito Shouta was lifted up by a force he could not see.

This was a shikigami that only sorcerers could see!

The shikigami Yogetsuki that belonged exclusively to Yoshino Junpei!

At this time, the wounded Ito Shouta finally felt afraid of Yoshino Junpei, who he felt was easy to bully!

He begged for mercy with the remaining strength:


In response to Ito Shouta's apology, Yoshino Shunping asked expressionlessly:

"Then what?"

Ito Shota was so frightened that he trembled all over and shed tears of fear.

Yoshino Junpei stared at him with wide eyes and shouted fiercely:

"I ask you, what next!"

At this time, the door of the school hall was suddenly opened!

Yuji Itadori looked at Yoshino Junpei who was about to kill Ito Shota on the podium with an unbelievable look on his face.

He shouted angrily:

"What are you doing! Junpei!"

When Yoshino Junpei saw Yuji Itadori, his eyes were full of indifference.

His mother's death had driven him close to madness!

Yoshino Junpei said expressionlessly:

""Get out of the way! Curse Master!"

On the other side.

Lin Fan stood on a tall building, observing everything that happened in Risakura High School. Looking at

Yuji Itadori, who did not fight with all his strength and kept persuading Junpei Yoshino, he was somewhat disappointed.

With Yuji Itadori's current strength, he could easily knock out Junpei Yoshino and take him away.

But he still kept persuading Junpei Yoshino as in the original plot.

Trying to make him let go of his hatred.

Lin Fan shook his head.

Sure enough, Yuji Itadori is still the same Yuji Itadori.

Even though his strength has changed, his character remains the same.

It seems that he was right to let this matter develop normally.

Yuji Itadori is still the childish character now. He can't tell what is true good and evil.

Don't persuade others if you don't know their suffering. Kind-hearted.

Lin Fan hates this kind of people the most!

He knows nothing, but he still persuades others to put down their butcher knives and become a Buddha.

How ridiculous!

After this incident, Yuji Itadori has grown from a child to an adult.

Lin Fan glanced at the real person who was about to meet Yuji Itadori and smiled contemptuously.

You think you seem to have played a good game of chess, but you will soon find that you are just a chess piece.

You are a chess piece in the chess game of the brain flower Xia Yujie, and you are still a chess piece in my chess game!

The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

Now Lin Fan only needs to wait and see, waiting for the best time to make a move. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When the time comes!

Lin Fan will let the real person know what it means to give someone a taste of his own medicine!

"I don't know why you do this!

There must be a reason.


Yuji Itadori clenched his fists, looked at Junpei Yoshino and asked loudly:

"Is it really worth giving up your previous life! ?

Can you still say that human heart is fake in front of your mother! ?"

Hearing his mother, Yoshino Junpei clenched his fists, tears could not stop flowing.

Tears dripped across his cheeks and fell at his feet.

He gritted his teeth and said word by word:

"People have no heart......"

Unaware of what was going on, Yuji Itadori said with a look of disappointment:

"You still here......"

"Just no!!!"

Before Yuji Itadori could continue to condemn, Yoshino Junpei shouted directly!

Yuji Itadori was stunned by Yoshino Junpei's sudden and heart-wrenching roar.

Yoshino Junpei's clenched fists were trembling slightly.

His heart was in so much pain that he almost couldn't breathe.

Yoshino Junpei said in his desperate tone, choking:

"if not like this......If it weren't so!!!"

He suddenly looked up at Yuji Itadori and shouted:

"If that's not the case! Why did they kill my mother!

She was my only hope...........

That is the last piece of pure land in my heart!!!

I have been enduring, enduring again and again!!!

Even if they bully me to pieces!

Even if they burn a cigarette scar on my forehead!

Even if they destroy my hobbies and my dreams!

Even if they drink my blood and eat my flesh!!!

I can endure it!

But why do they.........Why did you kill my mother!!!

You tell me!


Yuji Itadori was stunned.

He stared blankly at Yoshino Junpei who was roaring at him hysterically.

What a desperate pair of eyes.

There was only anger in his eyes, without a trace of hope.

Now he finally realized.

What qualifications did he have to ask Yoshino Junpei to let go of his hatred and stay rational?

Yoshino Junpei summoned the shikigami Yodozuki

"I don't know what is right and what is wrong anymore.

I just feel my heart aching, so much so that I can't breathe.

I just want to find the murderer who killed my mother, what did I do wrong?

Tell me! What did I do wrong!!!"

Yoshino Junpei roared at Itadori Yuji, waved his hand, and the two sharp tentacles of the shikigami Yodzuki stabbed directly at him!

But facing Yoshino Junpei's attack, Itadori Yuji did not dodge anymore.

The two sharp spikes pierced into his body fiercely.

Yoshino Junpei widened his eyes in confusion, muttering:

"Why not hide......"

Yuji Itadori was in great pain, although this little pain was nothing to him who had undergone special training from Lin Fan.

But he still felt it very painful.

Because this pain did not come from the wound, but from his heart!

Blood was flowing freely.

Yuji Itadori walked towards Yoshino Junpei step by step, saying:

"I'm sorry.

I didn't know anything, but I still said such big words.��0.9

Arriving in front of Yoshino Junpei, Yuji Itadori looked sincere and said softly:

""Junpei! Come to Jujutsu High School!

There are ridiculously strong teachers there, and many reliable partners.

Fan is there too!

As long as everyone works together!

We will definitely find the murderer who killed your mother!

I will definitely make him pay!

Let's fight together!"

Yoshino Junpei was moved.

He looked at Yuji Itadori's sincere eyes, and he was really moved at this moment.

But just when the hope in his eyes was about to be rekindled, a frivolous voice suddenly appeared.

"Oh my~, oh my~!

That's really well said."

The real person appeared in front of the two with a frivolous smile and applauded.

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The kind of writing that makes him vomit blood!!!

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