Yuji Itadori's expression froze.

Looking at the real person walking towards them, Yuji Itadori guessed doubtfully.

What's going on?

Is it a human?


This strange cursed power!

He is a cursed spirit!

Before coming here, Mr. Ijichi said. The one who transformed people into cursed spirits was a humanoid cursed spirit with a stitched face!

It must be him!

The real person walked down the stairs with a frivolous smile on his face.

He came to Junpei Yoshino and said to Yuji Itadori:

""Nice to meet you, Sukuna's vessel."

As soon as he said hello, the real person's left arm suddenly swelled up!

Seeing this, Yoshino Junpei immediately shouted in fear:

""Wait! Mr. Masato!"

But just as he finished speaking, Yuji Itadori was lifted up by Masato's wantonly inflated left arm and smashed against the wall!

Yuji Itadori, who was smashed against the wall, was still worried about Yoshino Junpei's safety.

He shouted desperately:

"Junpei! Run away!!!

I don't know what your relationship with this guy is!

But please run away now!


Yoshino Junpei turned around and explained hurriedly:

"Yuji-san, calm down! Mr.

Zhenren is not a bad guy!......"

However , he froze when he said this.......?

Although Masato understood him, what he did made him a bad guy, didn't he?

Masato smiled and put his hand on Yoshino Junpei's shoulder.

Then he looked at Yuji Itadori who was struggling and slowly said:

"Shunping....You have a pretty good brain, right?

But there are some things you can't think too deeply about.

Because the more you think about it, the more terrifying it will be.

Right, Junpei?"

The real person smiled sinisterly and whispered in Yoshino Junpei's ear:

"Shunping, you are second only to those people you regard as idiots. You are a little more interesting and smarter than them.......

That 's all.......

You will die.~~......Wuwei transformation!"

Just as the real person said Wuwei transformation, Yoshino Junpei began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In the end, he turned into a bloated purple curse spirit!

Yuji Itadori Yujin was stunned when he saw this scene.

The real person also let him go.

His goal had been achieved.

The real person patted Yoshino Junpei, who had turned into a purple curse spirit, and said with a smile:

"Come on! The second round begins!"

As soon as the real person finished speaking, Yoshino Junpei, who turned into a purple cursed spirit, rushed towards Itadori Yuji madly.

At this time, Itadori Yuji could not accept this fact at all.

After taking a few punches from Yoshino Junpei, Itadori Yuji quickly grabbed him and shouted loudly:

"Junpei! Cheer up!

I will treat you now!"

At this time, Yuji Itadori was completely helpless!

He knew that humans who were transformed into cursed spirits could not be changed back!

But what if!

What if there is hope!

Although he didn't want to admit it, Lin Fan was not here now, and the only one who could save Yoshino Junpei might be Ryomen Sukuna!

Yuji Itadori regretted it!

It was all his fault for being too impulsive!

If he had asked Lin Fan to come together at that time, there wouldn't be so many problems!

But now is not the time to regret!

Yuji Itadori gritted his teeth and yelled:

"Sukuna! Sukuna!!!"

An eye and a small mouth suddenly appeared on Yuji Itadori's face, and said frivolously:

"What are you doing?"

The real person smiled, mission accomplished!

Next, we should talk about the restraints.

Yuji Itadori shouted desperately:

"Sukuna! I can do anything! You can do whatever you want!

So I just ask you to save Junpei!


Ryomen Sukuna refused frivolously:

"I refuse!"

The real person raised his eyebrows.

What's going on?

Sukuna didn't talk about the restraints at such a good opportunity. Is there something wrong with his brain?

Although the soul shape cannot be treated with the reversal technique.

But it is still possible to save Yoshino Junpei's life.

Is Sukuna not good at treatment?

However, what the real person could never have imagined was that

Ryoumen Sukuna had already talked about the restraints!

At this time, Ryoumen Sukuna showed a hideous smile.

Not bad!

He did forget about the restraint!

Ryoumen Sukuna laughed and said in a frivolous tone:


You gave up your dignity and future, offered me everything you have and begged me, but I still couldn't save anything!

How miserable!

Just like what that kid said to you.

All the unfairness in this world is caused by your own lack of ability.

Now, no one can save you!

It's so sad that I can't say anything more, kid!


The real person looked at all this calmly.

It doesn't matter if you refuse. But the next step is my goal.......Pretty good!

"hahahahahahahahahahaha~......!!!"(To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

At this moment, the corridor was filled with two unbridled laughters.

The sound was creepy enough! It was at this moment that Yuji Itadori truly realized that, after all,......These guys......They're all cursed spirits.......

Not long after,

Yoshino Junpei became dying because he could not bear the change of inaction.

He still had a trace of rationality, and tears flowed from his eyes.

He grabbed Yuji Itadori's clothes and said with difficulty:


Yuji Itadori stared blankly at Yoshino Junpei's gradually cold body and fell into silence.

His face was so gloomy that it seemed as if water could drip out of it!

"Hahahahahahaha, is he dead already?

It seems that the shape I changed was a little rough.

That's about it......."

Listening to the mocking voice and frivolous words of the real person,

Yuji Itadori, who woke up in an instant, was surrounded by endless anger!

Before the real person could finish his mocking words, he was hit and flew away by a fist filled with endless anger!

But it was a pity.

There was still a huge gap between the strength of Yuji Itadori and the real person.

The real person flew backwards, rolled in the air and landed steadily on the ground.

Then he said sarcastically:

"It's a good power.

But unfortunately, it doesn't work for me.

As long as I keep the shape of my soul......"

The real person's voice suddenly stopped.

A stream of blood spurted out of his nose! The real person was stunned!...it turns out......Injured!!!

The real person was shocked!

What happened!

This kid's fist can actually hurt my soul!

Oh, that's right!

Yuji Itadori is Sukuna's container!

There is always a soul other than his own in his body!

So Yuji Itadori can naturally hurt me!

The real person showed an excited smile and asked:

"Can you see it too?

The outline of the soul!"

At this moment, Yuji Itadori's eyes were red, without any other emotions, only endless anger!

He thought about what he had said and promised so far, it was like a lie, he had not been able to do anything, it was all fake!

If he wasn't so impulsive!

If he wasn't so reckless!

If he wasn't so self-righteous!

If he could be stronger! Stronger!

But......Now he had no regrets!

Only one thought came to his mind!

That was......

Yuji Itadori gritted his teeth and squeezed out the words word by word from between his teeth:

"Kill you!!!!!"

The real man smiled disdainfully, licked his lips and said contemptuously:

"Haha, you should say exorcism, sorcerer!"

Although the real person was very disdainful of Yuji Itadori.

But he was very interested in the two-sided Sukuna!

He was secretly making plans and trying to figure out people's hearts.

Yuji Itadori didn't care about his own safety. He was prohibited by Geto from restraining people by external forces such as taking hostages.

So, when he meets someone he hates so much that he wants to kill but can't, will he rely on Sukuna?

If Junpei is not enough, then transform every student in the hall in front of him!

The hatred that goes beyond the issue of interests will prompt him to negotiate with Sukuna.

By restraining Yuji Itadori, the chances of Sukuna joining our camp can be increased!

But the premise of all this is that I am stronger than this kid!

Although this kid can hurt my soul and is indeed a natural enemy.

But now he......Too weak!

The real person showed an evil smile.

He looked at Yuji Itadori who was attacking him madly, and suddenly jumped back.

A pair of wings grew out of his back, and he kept flying up the stairs.

He dodged Yuji Itadori's punches one by one.

Not long after.

The real person relied on the advantage of his body's ability to deform at will, and easily beat Yuji Itadori so badly that he was covered with wounds!

His body was even pierced with countless spikes made of the real person's flesh!

The real person smiled disdainfully and said contemptuously:

"You can't beat me, so change your player!......"

Masato smiled and was about to put his hand on Yuji Itadori.

However, at this moment, his hand was firmly grasped by a powerful hand!

Masato frowned slightly.

But when he saw who was coming, he immediately became excited!

"Did your injury heal so quickly, kid?

I was going to look for you, but I didn't expect you to come here on your own initiative!

What a big surprise!"

Lin Fan's face always had that calm smile, and he didn't pay any attention to the real person.

Instead, he pulled Yuji Itadori aside and asked calmly,:

"Are you okay?"

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