After hearing Lin Fan's provocative words, Zhenren was furious, but he did not attack directly.

Because what Lin Fan did just now really shocked him!

He knew very well that it was impossible to restore the person who was transformed into a monster by his inaction!

After the shape of the soul changed, even he himself could not restore it to its original state!

But the facts were in front of him, and he had to believe it!

Now he finally understood.

The previous battle with him was just a joke!

Zhenren's face was gloomy, staring at Lin Fan, wishing he could pull out his tendons and bones!

At this time, Lin Fan asked Yoshino Junpei behind him:

"After going through so many things, do you think it was your fault?"

Lin Fan asked this question very cleverly.

He did not ask if you were wrong, but if it was your fault?

These questions are similar, but the meaning is completely different!

Yoshino Junpei, who had recovered, looked gloomy again.

After experiencing multiple blows before, he no longer had any hope of living.

But he did not answer in a hurry. After thinking carefully, he answered Lin Fan's question:

"No! It's not me who is wrong, it's this world!"

After hearing this, Yuji Itadori was stunned.

He already knew about Yoshino Junpei's tragic experience.

So he could understand why Yoshino Junpei said such a thing.

School bullying, teacher's misunderstanding, other people's indifference, friends' exploitation, mother's tragic death.

All these tragic experiences were put on him.

The hemp rope breaks at the thinnest part. Misfortune picks on the unfortunate!

The world seemed to be full of malice towards him.

It kept giving him greater despair while giving him hope!

Yes, was Yoshino Junpei's fault?

What was wrong with him?

Maybe it was this world that was wrong!

At this moment, Yuji Itadori seemed to agree with Yoshino Junpei's words.

However, Lin Fan was dismissive of it!

He sneered and said:

"Is it this world that is wrong?

You think too much!

Don't you realize that, in fact, this world is still very fair?

No matter in the past or in the future, this world will remain the same!

The strong are respected, and the weak bow their heads!

The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit!

In other words, there is no absolute good and evil in this world, there are only the strong and the weak who cannot distinguish the facts!

And you happen to be the latter!

Because the weak will talk about right and wrong, while the strong will only look at success or failure! Only those with strength are worthy of writing history!

Similarly, only those with strength are worthy of changing history!

Whether it is writing history or changing history!

Only those with strength can do all this, but you are here thinking about right and wrong!


Lin Fan's words kept echoing in the minds of the two people.

There is no absolute good or evil in this world, only the strong and the weak who can't distinguish the truth!


The world has no time to care about you!

Now we are just the weak who can't even control our own destiny!

But......At this time ,

Yuji Itadori and Junpei Yoshino looked at Lin Fan with fiery eyes and said loudly and firmly:

"We don’t want to be weak anymore!!!

We want to become stronger and protect the people we want to protect for their entire lives!!!

We want to become stronger and put an end to the injustices in this world!!!

We want to become stronger and change this unfair world!!!

We don’t want to be weak anymore!!!"

Lin Fan laughed and said happily:

"Good! Since you don't want to, then straighten your back!

From today on, your life will truly begin to shine!

The greatest glory in life is not to never fall!

But to always be able to rise again after falling!

What you lack is never the ability to ride the wind and waves when you are proud! But the courage to start all over again after failure!"

Lin Fan glanced at Yoshino Junpei and continued:

"Junpei, I know that what you fear the most is not the sudden collapse of the sky and the earth.

But it is that this world will gradually erase the thoughts in your heart.

But do you remember what I told you before!

Man can conquer nature!

If the sky presses on my spine, then I will cut down this piece of sky!

Since you think this world is wrong, you must continue to become stronger from now on, strong enough to use your strength to correct this wrong world!

Do you understand?"

Yoshino Junpei nodded.

Decadence, cowardice, despair, confusion, all swept away!

The hope in the eyes then burned again!

Fighting spirit continued to erupt in Yoshino Junpei and Itadori Yuji!

Lin Fan looked at the two people who finally grew up, and couldn't help but smile slightly.

The goal has been achieved.

It's time to start finishing.

Lin Fan turned his head, looked at the real people who didn't dare to act rashly, and said to the two:

"Since you have already ignited your fighting spirit, I will add fuel to the fire!

Next, you must watch carefully!

This cursed spirit that you cannot defeat is like an ant to me, and I can kill it with ease!"

Lin Fan shouted at the real person:

"Real person! Come here and die!!!"

"Arrogant!" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Zhenren had a gloomy face and without hesitation, he immediately launched an attack on Lin Fan!

However, Lin Fan used a flowing water formation to not only deflect all of Zhenren's attacks, but also made his little tricks come to nothing!

Zhenren is the kind of sinister villain.

He has been reluctant to take action, but once he takes action, he uses all kinds of shady tricks!

While suddenly attacking Lin Fan, he also did not forget to attack Yuji Itadori and Junpei Yoshino behind Lin Fan to distract them and kill them with one blow!

Unfortunately, how could Lin Fan let him do as he wished?

Zhenren's little trick was simply a humiliation to Lin Fan!

Deflecting all of Zhenren's attacks Then, Lin Fan directly opened the fourth gate of the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu!

His body suddenly turned red, and he came in front of the real person in the blink of an eye!

He hit him with a set of flowing water and rock-breaking fists that were difficult to see with the naked eye! Before the real person could react, he felt that the whole world had become dark!

Yuji Itadori and Junpei Yoshino looked at him in shock. In just a moment, the real person was beaten into a pulp!

Too strong!

Is this Lin Fan's strength!

After the real person turned into a pulp, Lin Fan stopped.

He did not add the attribute of soul attack to the attack, so the real person could not die.

Looking at the real person who was gradually recovering from the pulp to the human form, Lin Fan said loudly from a high position:

"I, Lin Fan, have never worshipped heaven and earth, nor have I believed in gods in my life!

I only believe in my own strength!"

Looking at the real person who had recovered and had a sinister look on his face, Lin Fan smiled faintly and said:

"Real Man!

You should be able to understand the difference in strength between you and me now, right?

That’s right, I was just teasing you before, making you interested in me, making you think you can kill me.

When you were full of energy, you found that you had no power to fight back.

Doesn’t this feeling feel good?

Don’t you like bullying the weak?

Then I will bully you too!"

The real man's eyes were wide open, he was extremely angry!

But reason still made him speculate on Lin Fan's strength.

The boy's attack just now was indeed fierce!

He had no power to fight back!

But it did not contain an attack that could hurt the soul.

Does this mean that Lin Fan can only restore the soul, but is not good at attacking!

However, when the real man was thinking of a countermeasure, he heard Lin Fan say contemptuously:

"Are you wondering why I can't attack the soul?"

The real person was shocked!

But before he had time to think about why, he found that Lin Fan flashed in front of him, and then he lost half of his light!

At this time, Lin Fan was holding an eyeball in his hand!

The real person was horrified to find that his injury could not be recovered!

The attack from Lin Fan just now hurt both his body and soul!

And it was the kind of irreversible damage!

This is bad!

The real person did not hesitate, turned around and ran!

He is a sinister villain. As long as he feels that he can't beat him, he will run away without hesitation!

However, just when he turned his feet into a cheetah and wanted to run away with all his strength!

He fell down unexpectedly!

When he looked down, he found that his legs had been chopped off at some point!

And the cut surface was extremely flat and smooth, but he didn't feel anything for a while!

A moment of fear arose in the real person's heart!

Lin Fan squatted in front of the real person with a faint smile, and asked slowly:

"I......Let you go?"

The real person looked horrified, clasped his hands together and kept bowing to Lin Fan, begging him to spare his life.

Lin Fan did not speak, but seemed to have lost interest. He stood up, turned his back to the real person, and said casually to the two people watching the fight:��

"Are you hungry?

Do you want to go eat hot pot later?"

At this moment, the two looked at Lin Fan with admiration. No matter what Lin Fan said, they nodded like chickens pecking at rice!

However, at this moment!

The real person who fell to the ground and begged for mercy showed an evil smile as if his evil plan had succeeded.

He quickly took advantage of Lin Fan's unpreparedness, grabbed Lin Fan's ankle with one hand and said:

"Inaction transformation!"

PS:This chapter is really hard to write. I wrote and deleted it several times, but I was never satisfied.

I don't know how many times I wrote it before I posted it.

I feel it's okay here. It

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