Lin Fan showed a strange smile and slowly closed his eyes.

The real person showed a sinister expression of success in the previous second, but the next second his expression became extremely terrified, as if he had seen something terrible!

Then his eyes became dim and lost their spirit!

At this time, Yuji Itadori and Junpei Yoshino looked at the two motionless people, a little confused.

Yuji Itadori whispered:

"What happened?"

Yoshino Junpei looked at Yuji Itadori with a strange expression and replied:

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

Yuji Itadori took a deep look at Yoshino Junpei, who was still a corpse just now, and now he was resurrected by Lin Fan like a miracle!

After experiencing all these ups and downs, Yuji Itadori now suddenly felt that if he had not met Lin Fan in the beginning, would the current result become irreversible?

It seems that after so much time, every time he made a mistake, it was Lin Fan who came to clean up for him! It’s great to have a companion like Lin Fan who is both a teacher and a friend!

There is no regret medicine for many people, but Lin Fan gave him the opportunity to regret again and again.

Let him forge ahead and stick to himself!

Yoshino Junpei felt Yuji Itadori's special look, frowned and asked:

"What's that look in your eyes? It

's so creepy!"

Yuji Itadori laughed innocently and said happily:

"Junpei! Join Jujutsu High School!

There are super teachers and friends like me!

Let's become stronger together!

Change this world!"

Junpei Yoshino was slightly stunned, then smiled brightly, nodded and agreed:


In the Soul Sanctuary.

The Immortal's use of Wuwei Transformation on Lin Fan actually failed!

Then his soul was pulled into this temple that only the Lord of the Gods deserves to own!

Such a temple, the word"magnificent" is far from enough to describe it!

The Immortal looked up and saw the 100 steps in front of the temple soaring up!

There were beautiful patterns carefully carved by humans on each step.

Dozens of giant pillars on both sides were solemn and majestic!

On each pillar, there was a five-clawed golden dragon emitting dazzling brilliance!

Each golden dragon stared at him with its huge eyes!

The Immortal knew that if he dared to act rashly, then only death would be waiting for him, and there was no other choice!

He didn't Dare not look at the golden dragon again. He quickly avoided his gaze with a look of horror.

Then he raised his head little by little and looked up at the hundred steps.

At this time, Lin Fan was sitting on the majestic throne, looking down at the real person.

At this time, the real person seemed to have seen something terrible, and he lowered his head instantly, not daring to raise it again!

The broken body knelt on the ground, trembling!

The real person lowered his head, with horror on his face!

The only remaining eye was filled with incredible fear!

This is impossible!

How can someone have such a terrifying soul!


That's not right!

This can no longer be described as terrifying!

This is simply the soul of God!

This is simply the palace of God!

Himself......What kind of existence have I provoked!!!

Lin Fan on the throne had an indifferent look in his eyes. He seemed to have lost interest in everything.

He waved his hand.

The real person suddenly found that the injury of his soul had recovered in an instant!

The broken legs grew back! The lost eyeballs were also restored again!

He raised his head and looked at the man on the throne excitedly.

Is this a miracle!!!

At this time, there was no fear in the eyes of the real person, but a crazy and hot look!

Lin Fan smiled faintly, and then sat up from the throne.

He walked down the stairs step by step.

Facing the crazy and hot eyes of the real person, Lin Fan slowly walked to him. With another wave of his hand.

A Western-style white classical dining table appeared in front of the two.

Lin Fan ignored the real person, but sat down directly, wiped his hands elegantly, and then placed the napkin flat on his thighs.

He snapped his fingers, and two tender and juicy steaks appeared instantly.

Lin Fan smiled and raised his hand to signal:

"Sit down."

The real person was a little stunned, but his body still sat down involuntarily.

Lin Fan picked up the knife and fork and cut the steak elegantly.

While cutting, he asked as if chatting with an old friend:

"Zhenren, you can change the shape of your soul freely, why do you want to become a man?"

Zhenren was silent for a while.

It was obviously not suitable for the current situation.

The two people who were still fighting a second ago were eating steak and chatting in the blink of an eye!

However, he still answered Lin Fan's words truthfully:

"man......It represents strength.

So I have been maintaining the shape of a man."

Lin Fan nodded and continued:

"Then you turn into a woman for me."

The real person was slightly stunned.

He didn't understand Lin Fan's intention.

But he didn't dare to think too much. Now, as long as Lin Fan asked him to do something, he would do it!

Because the person sitting opposite him was a god!

The real person's body began to wriggle slowly, and then he was like liquid gel, deforming and reshaping.

Finally, the real person in the form of a woman appeared in front of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan looked up with interest, then smiled and said:


It's much better now.

Come on and eat! (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Wouldn't it be a sin not to eat such a tender and juicy steak?"

The real person picked up the knife and fork in a daze, but did not act rashly.

Lin Fan stopped talking and concentrated on cutting.

Every time a piece of steak was cut, juice and myoglobin would splash out. It looked extremely plump and very tempting, making people want to take a bite right away!

Lin Fan put the cut steak into his mouth.

After chewing it for a few times, he showed a face full of enjoyment.

He snapped his fingers and conjured up red wine. He poured the red wine into the goblet elegantly and shook it gently.

Looking at the ruby-red liquid, Lin Fan put it in front of his nose and smelled it.

Then he said with emotion:

"The fresher the red wine, the better it tastes."

Just like that.

I don't know how long it took.

Lin Fan finished his steak and drank the red wine.

The real person didn't dare to make any noise during the whole process, for fear of disturbing the god in front of him.

After eating and drinking, Lin Fan picked up the napkin on his thigh and wiped his mouth elegantly.

He asked the real person with a smile:

"What kind of person do you think I am?"

Every word of Lin Fan was beyond the expectations of the real person.

For a moment, he really didn't know how to answer.

Lin Fan chuckled and said lightly:

"It's okay, you can speak freely, for example, what did you think I was like when you first saw me?

What was I like when you saw me again later?"

The real person was silent for a while, then slowly said:

"When I first saw you, I felt that you were a harmless person, which aroused my interest.

When I saw you again, I felt that you were an arrogant person, which made me angry.

But now I feel fear, and then I feel powerless, and then I feel faith, because you are my god!"

"God?" Lin Fan was slightly stunned, but it was also expected.

He put down the napkin casually and said lightly:

"What kind of person am I?

When I was in school, male classmates regarded me as a role model, and female classmates regarded me as their first love. In the company, male employees regarded me as their life goal, and female employees regarded me as their ideal boyfriend.

Teacher Gojo would think that I am an upright person with ambition and ideals, who has the same goals as him but does not pursue fame and fortune.

Yuji would think that I am both a teacher and a friend, a beacon guiding his life, and an indispensable good friend.

Junpei would think that I am a ray of light shining into his darkness, pulling him out of the abyss, and bringing him a future and hope.

Everyone who meets me for the first time will feel that I am easy to get along with and a gentle and good person.

But......Am I?"

Lin Fan, who was gentle and polite a second ago, suddenly showed a completely different grin!

He snapped his fingers.

The same steak as before appeared on the table again.

Lin Fan chuckled and said:

"How can one steak fill your stomach?

It's so tender and juicy, why do you have to eat it bit by bit?

For elegance?

For taste?"

Lin Fan shook his head.

He pushed the knife and fork to the ground, then grabbed the steak on the plate, bit it hard, and ate it with relish!

Every time Lin Fan bit it, his entire mouth was filled!

The juice covered his mouth and even flowed out from the corners of his mouth!

Lin Fan once again showed a face of enjoyment.

Then he picked up the red wine bottle beside him and took a big sip of red wine!

The ruby-like liquid kept flowing from his mouth, across his neck, and dyed his clothes red!

He smashed the empty bottle on the ground!

The bottle broke into pieces, but Lin Fan laughed wildly and said:

"Cool!!! Hahahaha!!!

Is this exciting!!!

Is this refreshing!!!

Eating meat should be done in big mouthfuls to be comfortable!

Drinking should be done in big mouthfuls to be enjoyable!

Don’t you agree, Master?"

Master stared at Lin Fan in a daze, his heart unable to calm down for a long time.

The person in front of him, Master regarded him as a god.

But now.........It was as if I saw a devil from hell, feasting there!

PS: These chapters are really hard to write!

The author's hair is almost plucked out!

But these chapters are the most enjoyable ones written by the author!

I wonder if you are satisfied with the character of the protagonist?

Anyway, the protagonist in the author's mind should be like this!

It's the beginning of the month, brothers! Those who have monthly tickets, please vote for the author!!!

The monthly tickets are over 100, and the author will work hard to add more chapters for everyone!!!

The kind that writes until vomiting blood!!!

Thank you Billy Wants to Wrestle for the monthly ticket support!!!

Thank you Banqing. for the monthly ticket support!!!

Thank you Yueyingfeng for the monthly ticket support!!! Please subscribe to the whole book!!! Please subscribe to your own book!!! Please support!! Seven!.

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