Lin Fan looked at the real person and smiled.

It seems that she is still useful.

She can be squeezed a little more.

Lin Fan said in a voice transmission:

"You can escape now. In a moment, you will inflate your body and turn it into a balloon-like shape to attract everyone's attention.

Then, separate a small part of your body and escape, completing the escape.

I don't need to say much about escaping, aren't you the best at it?


Don't let Geto Suguru and your group of cursed spirits get suspicious.

Just return to your original appearance and the plan will proceed as usual.

This time, you will escape with serious injuries and go back to recover from your injuries.

As for your appearance?.....Just don't change it, it looks good.

How are you going to explain it when you go back? I think you have more excuses than me. Oh, right!

One last thing, next time we meet, remember to bring me the cursed spirit pipe that Lou Hu smokes."

Zhenren was stunned, she felt that her brain could not keep up with Lin Fan's thinking at all.

Lou Hu pipe?

Didn't he make it himself?

Zhenren replied in a voice transmission:


I'll do it when I get back."

Lin Fan was stunned after hearing this.

"You made it?

Oh! That's great!

Remember to make it look good, and carve patterns on the pipe!

I want the European classical patterns, if you don't know how to do it, just look it up online.

Make a few more styles, and I'll give you a big reward if you do a good job!"

The corners of the real person's mouth twitched, but he still agreed in a voice transmission:


Lin Fan nodded and said urgingly:

""Okay, okay, then you go quickly, I still have to go eat hot pot later."

The real person nodded speechlessly, but did not dare to complain.

Then she suddenly swelled up and turned into a human-shaped sphere!

As she continued to swell, Lin Fan stepped forward and punched her!

As a result, the real person exploded like a balloon and disappeared without a trace!

Soon everyone discovered that the real person's body swelled into a balloon shape, which was just a trick!

The real her had already turned into a pool of liquid, drilled into the sewer, and disappeared!

Seeing this, Yuji Itadori hurriedly wanted to chase, but was stopped by Lin Fan.

Facing Yuji Itadori's puzzled eyes, Lin Fan said calmly:

"Forget it, I can't catch up.

This guy is really cunning, he runs away when he can't beat him.

But next time they meet, she won't be so lucky!"

Yujin Itadori nodded without thinking too much.

At this time, Lin Fan stretched his waist, yawned and said:

"ah~~~......Let's go, I'm hungry after working for so long, let's go eat hot pot!"

Lin Fan put his hands on the shoulders of Yuji Itadori and Junpei Yoshino, and said with a smile:

"Be happy, your new life is about to begin!"

Yoshino Junpei said with shame:

"This is not a question of being happy or not, the main thing is that I can't go to eat hot pot naked, right?

I'll go home and change clothes first!"

Lin Fan thought so, but he said:

"Don't go home, your house has been blocked by the police.

Let's go to the mall directly, there is a good hot pot restaurant there, you can also buy some clothes.

Yuji! Take off your coat and put it on Junpei, so that it is covered from top to bottom, there should be no problem."

Yoshino Junpei opened his mouth slightly, his eyes seemed to say are you kidding me?

What do you mean there is no problem?

Is it so casual?

Yoshino Junpei still wanted to struggle:

"No, how can this be okay? It

's not like you don't wear it!......"

Lin Fan interrupted him with a smile and said something that made him speechless:

"I often don't wear it!

When I'm on a mission, my clothes can't bear the weight.

So I just put on a piece of clothing every time. What's the big deal? A real man doesn't care about trivial matters!"

Yoshino Junpei was speechless.

Is this how this sentence is used?

At this time, Yuji Itadori also took off his coat with a smile on his face, put it on Yoshino Junpei's head, and urged:

"Let's go!

I'm hungry too!

If you're not active in eating, there's something wrong with your thinking!

I'm just making a blind guess.

That mall is your own property, right?"

Lin Fan snapped his fingers:

"Bingo! correct!"

Yuji Itadori smiled knowingly:

"I knew it!

Let's go! Let's go!

I've picked out a pair of Bluetooth headphones before, and I'm going to give you some money!

Junpei, don't be polite to him!

If we don't hug this thigh now, when will we wait?"

Yoshino Junpei put on his clothes, showing a helpless look.

Yuji Itadori didn't give him a chance to speak, and directly dragged him out of the school.

Yoshino Junpei shouted:

"Be gentle! Damn it! My clothes are going to fall off!!!"

In a flash, it was afternoon.

The three of them had eaten and drunk their fill, bought new clothes, and left the mall.

But in fact, Yoshino Junpei's smile was always a little far-fetched along the way.

After avoiding the two people's gaze, he became depressed. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But this is no wonder. Although he has a new partner, regained confidence, and raised hope.

But the death of his mother is an indelible nightmare for him!

Time can dilute everything, but it can't dilute Yoshino Junpei's self-blame for his mother's death, and the strong longing to see her again.

In fact, Lin Fan and Yuji Itadori saw all this.

It's just that I have been trying to use other ways to distract his attention so that he can get a little comfort.

Of course.

This is just Yuji Itadori's idea.

Lin Fan certainly wouldn't think so?

Yoshino Nagi's soul is still sleeping in Lin Fan's soul sanctuary. If she wants to be resurrected, it won't be a matter of minutes. The reason why she didn't resurrect is just that the current occasion is not suitable.

Yuji Itadori sighed, patted Yoshino Junpei on the shoulder and said:

"Don't be too sad.

Since it has happened, we must work hard to become stronger and not let it happen again!

Don't let other people have the same experience as us.

This is why I want to be a sorcerer!

Protect others, save others!

The future is always full of hope!"

Yoshino Junpei was a little dazed as he looked at Yuji Itadori with a sincere face.

Then he nodded heavily as if he had made up his mind.

Yuji Itadori looked at Yoshino Junpei who had regained his confidence, smiled happily, then stretched out his hand and said:

"For a better tomorrow!

Let's work hard together!"

Yoshino Junpei also smiled and high-fived Yuji Itadori and replied:

"Come on for a brand new future!"

Then the two of them laughed loudly, stretched out their hands with bright smiles on their faces, and motioned Lin Fan to high-five together.

However, Lin Fan looked at them as if they were idiots and said:

"What are you two doing here?

Who said Yoshino's mother is dead?"

Yujin Itadori sighed, then said with an expression that he understood me:

"I understand!

I know you want to say that Yoshino's mother will always live in our hearts.

But Junpei no longer needs such comfort!

We are no longer the same as before!"

Lin Fan laughed and asked speechlessly:

"So what are you now?"

"Forehead......"Yuji Itadori was suddenly at a loss for words. He really didn't know how to answer.

But he soon changed the subject and continued:

"None of this matters!

What matters is that we have regained our confidence and are moving towards the future! Isn't this a very good start?

Don't you think so, Junpei?"

Yoshino Junpei nodded in agreement.

Lin Fan rolled his eyes, feeling that Yuji Itadori was hopeless.

He quickly pulled Yoshino Junpei over and said:

"Don't listen to what these two idiots say in the future.

Don't you know that mental retardation is contagious?"

After hearing this, Yuji Itadori was immediately unhappy,"Hey! How can you say that about me, Fan!

I'm smart!"

Lin Fan asked directly and unceremoniously:

"Then why didn't I ever see you passing any subject when you were in school?"

"I......!"Yuji Itadori was speechless again.

It seems to be true!


Yuji Itadori suddenly said confidently:

"I passed the physical education exam!"

Lin Fan said speechlessly:

"Does physical education test one's brain?

Junpei, did you see that?

This guy's I is negative, don't listen to him!"

Yoshino Junpei nodded, and his eyes changed when he looked at Yuji Itadori.

From this point of view, Yuji Itadori is indeed a fool!

This time Yuji Itadori was dumbfounded. How could they form a united front?

What about the agreement to move towards a better future together?

"Damn! You guys!......!"

At this time, Lin Fan placed his hand on Yoshino Junpei's shoulder and said solemnly:

"I'm not kidding you. I can even revive you, so why can't your mother?"

Yoshino Junpei and Itadori Yuji were stunned.

Yoshino Junpei's eyes widened, staring at him intently.���Lin Fan!

That’s right!

Lin Fan could even revive him, so why couldn’t he revive his mother?

Lin Fan chuckled, patted his shoulder and said:

"Let's go to your house.

The police should have left by now."

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The kind of writing that makes him vomit blood!!!

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