Arriving at Yoshinoya, the three ignored the cordon outside the house and walked straight into the house.

Yuji Itadori and Junpei Yoshino followed closely behind Lin Fan.

When they arrived at the door of Yoshino Nagi's room, Lin Fan stopped and turned to the two and said:

"You guys wait outside the door."

Yuji Itadori was stunned and asked in confusion:


Lin Fan said bluntly:

"Children, don't ask about social affairs!"

Yuji Itadori's face suddenly turned dark and he was speechless.

Can he still talk properly?

Yoshino Junpei, however, pulled Lin Fan, who was about to enter the door, with an anxious look on his face, and asked:

"Can't I go in either?"

This is related to his mother's safety. It's okay not to let Yuji Yuji go in, but why can't he go in either?

Lin Fan said speechlessly:

"If this is a hospital operating room, can you go in?

Just stay outside, your mother will come out soon!"

After hearing this, Yoshino Junpei had to let go of Lin Fan and waited anxiously outside the door.

Lin Fan entered Yoshino Nagi's room. He did not forget to lock the door.

Otherwise, if they could not help but suddenly rush in, it would be difficult to explain!

Because Yoshino Nagi's body was reshaped by the soul, how could she still be wearing clothes?

That's why Lin Fan asked the two to wait outside the door. He casually found a set of clothes that Yoshino Nagi usually wore.

Thinking that he would have to dress Yoshino Nagi in a while, especially those private underwear.

Lin Fan couldn't help blushing.

Although Lin Fan has always been devoted to the pursuit of martial arts, he doesn't care much about things like love.

But this doesn't mean that he doesn't like women!

So much time has passed, and he is still a little virgin.

Where has he experienced such a scene?

Lin Fan is not Liu Xiahui, who can sit on the lap without being disturbed!

He is an eighteen-year-old boy with blood in his blood!

Before, he didn't treat real people as human beings, otherwise he would have bleed from his nose!

After Lin Fan prepared Yoshino Nagi's coat, he took out her underwear.

Looking at this"surging and surging" dress, Lin Fan couldn't help swallowing and sighed. Because , Yoshino 's skin is like a newborn baby. It is lubricated and shiny.



After a long pause, Lin Fan calmed down.

Now comes the most difficult part!

That is to dress Yoshino Nagi!

Lin Fan took a deep breath. He quickly pulled out two pieces of toilet paper from the bedside table and stuffed them into her nose, just in case!

Then he hurriedly put clothes on Yoshino Nagi.

Soon, he encountered a problem while putting on clothes.

Lin Fan couldn't help but complain in his heart.

What the hell!

Why is this button so hard to hook!

After working hard for a long time, he finally put the clothes on Yoshino Nagi completely.

Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

He threw away the blood-stained toilet paper.

After stabilizing his emotions, Lin Fan pointed at Yoshino Nagi's forehead.

Soon, Yoshino Nagi gradually woke up.

She got up from the bed in a daze.

After seeing Lin Fan standing next to her, she couldn't help but ask in confusion:

"Brother Lin Fan, why are you here?"

Lin Fan coughed twice, straightened his expression and explained:

"that......, Sister, your house was robbed before.

I came here specially to save you.

But don't worry!

The criminals have been taken away by the police, and nothing is lost in the house!"

Yoshino Nagi adjusted her hair with some confusion.

Only then did she recall that when she was about to get up to clean up the house that night, she seemed to feel a sharp pain, and then she didn't remember anything.

Maybe she was knocked unconscious by the criminals.

Yoshino Nagi lowered her head and looked at the clothes she rarely wore when going out, and she was immediately confused.

When did she change into this set of clothes?

It's not right?

Yoshino Nagi looked at her room, then at the tightly closed door.

As if she thought of something, she raised her head and showed a charming smile and said:

"The sister was attacked by a gangster, so did the brother change her clothes?"

"Oh yes, oh no!......Ah this......"

Lin Fan was speechless, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

Yoshino Nagi saw Lin Fan's embarrassed look and couldn't help but find it a little funny. He is really a pure little boy.

He is so charming!

Yoshino Nagi laughed twice and said jokingly:

"You don't need to explain, sister understands.

It was the soup on the table that got all over sister, so you changed her into clean clothes, right?"Is that all right?

Lin Fan nodded in agreement: (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Yes! Yes, yes! It was the soup that stained the clothes!"

At this time, Yoshino Nagi showed a wicked smile, blew a sweet breeze into Lin Fan's ear, and asked in a low voice:

"Does the sister have a good figure?"

Lin Fan blurted out:

"Good! It's really good!

Oh no!......that......I'm just talking about the facts, I don't mean anything else."

Lin Fan's face flushed immediately after being teased by Yoshino Nagi.

When he was fighting the real person before, the mighty and domineering Lin Fan suddenly disappeared.

Such a contrast is very sad.

Lin Fan thought about the scene before Yoshino Nagi.

He couldn't help but feel that his nose was about to bleed again.

Yoshino Nagi looked at Lin Fan's red face and a little at a loss.

She smiled and stopped teasing him, but asked:

"Where's Shunping?"

Lin Fan came back to his senses and quickly replied:

"Just outside the door."

Yoshino Nagi nodded and stood up to look for her son.

But when she arrived at the door, she looked back at Lin Fan with a strange expression and asked:

"Why did you lock the door?"

Lin Fan suddenly started coughing violently:

"Cough cough cough cough cough~~!!!

That....Cough cough cough.....I'm just afraid that there will be more criminals coming!"

Yoshino Nagi smiled meaningfully, and opened the door without thinking any more.

At this moment, she looked at the stunned Yoshino Junpei with a smile on her face and said:

"" Son, mom is fine, you don't have to worry.

Oh~! Yuji-san is here too!

I'm really sorry to bother you."

Yoshino Junpei looked at his mother. She was really standing in front of him alive, and he couldn't hold it back any longer!

Tears couldn't stop flowing down, and he suddenly ran forward and hugged her tightly!

Yoshino Nagi was a little confused looking at her son who was howling.

What happened?

Why did he cry like this when he saw her?

She felt so distressed when he cried!

Yoshino Nagi gently touched Yoshino Junpei's head and asked softly:

".What's wrong, son?

Did someone bully you again?

Tell mom and I'll help you vent your anger!"After crying for a while, Yoshino Junpei saw Lin Fan winking at him from behind his mother.

Yoshino Junpei understood immediately.

He quickly let go of his mother, stopped crying, wiped his tears and said:

"It's okay, Mom.

No one bullied me, I was just a little worried about you.

It's really good to see that you are okay!"

Lin Fan quickly came out and said:

"" Yes, yes, yes! Junpei was really worried about you.

Ever since you were knocked unconscious by the gangster, Junpei has been fighting the gangster bravely!

Fortunately, Yuji and I left something at my sister's house, so we just happened to catch up and subdued the gangster together with Junpei!"

Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and the matter was finally resolved.

Yoshino Nagi looked at them with a strange expression and asked in confusion:

"Is that true?"

Yuji Itadori and Junpei Yoshino quickly nodded in agreement.

"Ah, yes, yes!

That's right!

Junpei is very brave!

Itadori and Lin Fan really helped a lot!"

Lin Fan then gave Yuji Itadori a look and nodded.

Yuji Itadori understood and looked back.

Lin Fan smiled and said to Yoshino Nagi:

""Since you are awake, we won't disturb you any more. Yuji and I have something else to do, so we'll leave first."

Yuji immediately agreed.

"Yes, yes, there are some urgent things!

Yoshino Nagi said quickly:

"Then you guys go ahead and don’t delay the important things. I’m really sorry to bother you guys."

Lin Fanlian (Qian Zhao) waved his hand and said with a smile:

"No trouble, no trouble!

Then we'll go first!

By the way! Junpei!

You wait for us downstairs at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning!"

Yoshino Junpei nodded.

Then Lin Fan hurriedly took Yuji Itadori away from Yoshinoya.

Looking at the two people who had already walked away, Yoshino Nagi asked Yoshino Junpei with a serious face:

"What happened?"

Sure enough, with Lin Fan's poor acting skills, Yoshino Nagi is naturally not stupid enough to believe it.

PS: Let's talk about Yoshino Nagi's death. If her physical body is not dead, Lin Fan can't do these programs.

And if the physical body is not dead, how can a woman change into a girl?

Everyone understands this meaning

, right? So, the author naturally has a deep meaning when writing this way, hehe.

Now three ambiguous objects have appeared one after another, Kugisaki Nobara, Zenin Maki and Yoshino Nagi.

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