Yoshino Junpei knew that he could no longer hide it, so he hesitantly explained.

But after explaining for a long time, Yoshino Nagi became even more confused.

Yoshino Nagi frowned slightly and said unsurely:

"In other words, I was not knocked unconscious by some criminals, but was killed by a monster?

And then brother Lin Fan resurrected me?"

Yoshino Junpei nodded with a headache.

Who can believe this?

Yoshino Nagi really didn't believe it.

But she really felt clearly that her body had become better than before!

And the waist injury that had been bothering her was also miraculously gone!

Yoshino Nagi touched her face, and then she ran to the mirror in surprise and looked at her face carefully.

It didn't matter if she saw it, Yoshino Nagi couldn't close her mouth in surprise!

Is this really me!!!?

This tender little face seemed to have returned to the appearance of eighteen years old!

The small hot spot on the hand also disappeared!

And it became very delicate and shiny!

The scene in front of her made her have to believe that all this was true.

Yoshino Nagi looked at her son Yoshino Junpei blankly and said:

"In other words, they are all superhumans with special abilities.

And son, you have also awakened your special abilities and become a superhuman, right?"

Yoshino Junpei was stunned after hearing this, then nodded ambiguously and replied:

"You could say that......."

Yoshino Nagi's eyes suddenly lit up, and she quickly sat in front of Yoshino Junpei and asked anxiously:

"Then tell me quickly, besides being able to revive others, does Lin Fan have any other special abilities?

Is he strong among the superhumans?"

Faced with his mother's advanced thinking, Yoshino Junpei suddenly felt that it was not applicable, but he still answered truthfully:

"Lin Fan......He is the strongest among the three of us.

Yoshino Nagi's eyes lit up, and she smiled and slapped the table and said:

"I know it!

Tell me more about him!"

Yoshino Junpei looked at his excited mother and suddenly had a bad feeling.......

On the other side, in the healing hot springs in the area of Tagore's birthplace , Louhu was enjoying the hot springs while smoking his cursed pipe.

"Ah~! I finally found you! Hahaha!~~~~coral~~~~!!!"

At this time, the real person wearing the monk's robe tore off the robe and jumped into the hot spring.

Louhu, who was smoking his pipe, was splashed with water and had a speechless expression.

The real person looked at Louhu and said happily:

"It seems that you have recovered a lot."

Lou Hu replied calmly:

"I guess so. It's quite comfortable here. At least there are no humans to see."

Louhu and Naohua Xiayoujie seemed to turn a blind eye to the fact that Zhenren's appearance had changed into a woman.

Maybe the cursed spirits didn't care much about appearance.

Even if Zhenren turned into a dog, as long as she was still a real person, it didn't matter.

Zhenren was swimming comfortably in the hot spring, and said to Louhu:

"Not having a body is not necessarily a good thing.

The efficiency of self-repair is so low."

At this time, the real person was suffering from the backlash of the complete destruction of the domain, and the injury was very serious.

This time Lin Fan did not restore her injuries, because it would be difficult to explain if she was not injured.

However, the real person can self-repair the injuries caused by the backlash.

Lou Hu looked at the real person and slowly said:

"Zhenren, it seems that you have consumed a lot of energy as well."

Zhenren pretended to be stunned, then chuckled and replied:

"Oh~, did you see that?

Sukuna and his container, those two are simply my natural enemies.

Although this game started with a toy I got by chance.

But it didn't go smoothly.

But it was pretty good at the beginning. I should have taken a hostage!

If you don't want the hostage to be killed, give the body to Sukuna.

It would be better to let Yuji Itadori clearly set the restraints."

The brain flower Xiayou Jie said with a faint smile:

"No, it won't work.

After all, the constraints are imposed on oneself.

It is not easy to be bound by others or by others."

Zhenren was soaking in the hot spring, listening carefully.

As expected, she didn't dare to say a word about Lin Fan's affairs, and her mind was still thinking about the next countermeasures.

She slowly stood up from the hot spring, and then said to Louhu:


I clearly felt the terror of Sukuna!

That feeling of spiritual oppression is not wrong!

So we should act based on Geto's plan first.

Sukuna is worth doing this for us!"

Lohu narrowed his eyes and said slowly:

"Collect all the fingers and give them to Sukuna?......

Even if we are completely wiped out in the end......Right!"

Louhu showed a strange and sinister smile, and said with a hint of madness in his voice:


It doesn’t have to be me who laughs in the wilderness a hundred years from now!

As long as the cursed spirit can stand up as a human being, it’s enough!"

The real person put on his clothes and said with a smile:

"Oh~! Do you understand it very well?"

At this time, Brain Flower Xia Yujie said lightly:

"That's it.

Let's go and retrieve the six fingers that the high school has kept."

Lou Hu asked doubtfully:

"Is it necessary to do this?

Didn't the sorcerer keep Yuji Itadori alive so that he could absorb Sukuna's finger?

Even if he was left alone, he would have eaten it."

The brain flower Xia Yujie shook his head and explained:

"The top brass at the technical high school still don't know how strong Yuji Itadori is as a container.

For example, which finger will make him go berserk after eating it. So they should wait until all the fingers are collected before giving it to Yuji Itadori.

Of course, there is an exception, Gojo Satoru. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But we can't wait until that time, right?

The worst possibility is that Yuji Itadori will be wiped out by the top brass."

Lou Hu thought about it, then said slowly:

"No risk, no gain

?......What should we do?"

The brain flower Xia Yujie smiled and said:

"I'm ready (bjae).

That's why we asked the technical college to take back our fingers."

On the other side.

Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical College.

At this time, Kugisaki Nobara, who was wearing sportswear, was complaining in front of the automatic beverage vending machine with an unhappy face:


Can’t you just add a few more vending machines?"

Fushiguro Megumi replied helplessly:

"This should be impossible.

There are only a few staff members who can come in.

But you can talk to Fan.

Now all the expenses of the school are paid by him."

Kugizaki Nobara's eyes lit up:

"Really? He is indeed Fan!

He pays for all the school expenses! He is really inhumane!

Principal Ye Moth must worship him!


Then I have to ask Fan to arrange more good things for me!

It would be best if he could build me a big villa with a swimming pool, where Fan and I can live!"

Fushiguro Megumi was speechless.

You have a nice idea.

At the same time, on the other side, Panda, who was walking on the path of the academy, did not seem to notice Fushiguro Megumi and the others, so he asked:

"What about the first-year students?"

Zenin Maki, who was walking in the front, replied calmly:

"Going to run errands."

Dog Juanji:"Wooden fish flower."

Panda asked with some concern:

"Is it okay?"


Zenin Maki said nonchalantly:

"You are not a three-year-old child anymore, you can still run errands."

Panda stressed with a worried look on his face:

"That's not what I'm talking about.

Isn't the principal of Kyoto coming today?"

Zenin Maki paused.

Gojuan Ji:"Muyuhua."

Panda continued:

"A meeting at the exchange meeting.

Wasn't it said that the unusual situation of sending the first graders to deal with the special case was arranged by the upper management who had a tense relationship with Mr. Gojo?

The principal of Kyoto must be the one in charge.

If this happened......"

Zenin Maki interrupted nonchalantly:

"Isn't the first-year student they targeted, Yuji, already dead?

They can't do anything to Hui and the others now.

Even the old man in Kyoto doesn't dare to cause trouble openly."

Inugumaki Spine:"Salmon."

Panda sighed and said:

"Teachers may have their own opinions, but students may not have the same opinions!"

Zenin Maki stopped walking and turned around to ask:

"You mean, is Zhenyi here?"

The panda replied:

"This is just my guess. After all

, the meeting has nothing to do with students.......Those two people may not be......"

Inugami Stake:"Salmon!"

However, Zenin Maki was not worried at all, but laughed.

She seemed to feel that something interesting was about to happen, so she smiled and said:

"Then we have to hurry over.

Otherwise we won’t be able to see the show!"

The panda was slightly stunned:

"What does it mean?"

Gojuan Ji:"Wooden fish flower?"

Zenin Maki smiled and said:

"Lin Fan sent me a message saying he would be back this afternoon. He might have found Hui and the others by now......."

(Note: It was not Lin Fan who took the initiative to send messages to Zenyuan Zhenxi, but Zenyuan Zhenxi asked Lin Fan every day when he would be back.~~......A woman who falls in love is hopeless! )

PS: Thank you Yixin for the 1100 VIP reward!!!

Thank you Yixin for the five tickets for urging me to update!!!

Thank you Changhenmianmian for the monthly ticket support!!!

Thank you Bingfeng for the monthly ticket support!!!

Thank you Yiyezhiqiu for the monthly ticket support!!!

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Thank you 555 for the monthly ticket support!!!

Thank you 丿殇丨惢痕泪 for the monthly ticket support!!!

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