Everyone looked at Yuji Itadori's expression, which looked like he had eaten shit, and they all burst into laughter.

The more people laughed, the uglier Yuji Itadori's face became.

However, looking at everyone laughing, Lin Fan fell silent.

Should I remind them to try not to use it during the competition?

Isn't it a bit unfriendly to the Kyoto school if everyone has a first-level cursed tool?

Lin Fan shook his head.

Forget it. Who cares.

The exchange meeting is boring anyway. It's nice to make some noise and watch the show.

For Lin Fan, the exchange meeting is just adults bullying children. It's really boring.

If he hadn't known that Hanamiya would show up, he wouldn't have bothered to attend this exchange meeting.

At this time, Lin Fan patted Yoshino Junpei, who had been silent beside him, and said:

"I have also prepared a spell tool for you, but I can't give it to you now. I'll give it to you when the exchange meeting is almost over."

Yoshino Junpei smiled and nodded. Zenin Maki, who was standing by, felt a little disappointed when she saw everyone holding a first-level spell tool.

But then she thought again.

At least Lin Fan knew that she liked to use a spear, which meant that he was quite attentive to her.

Isn't this a good start!

At this time, Zenin Maki clapped his hands and said:

"The game is about to begin!

The team battle format is expected, but now we have one more person, what should we do?

Junpei has Lin Fan to lead him, no problem.

Who should be assigned to Yuji Itadori?

It's too late to change the plan now."

Inugami Ji:"Muyuhua.""

Panda:"That depends on Yuji."

Panda turned around and asked,"What can you do?"

Yuji Itadori was slightly stunned, then clenched his fist and said:

"Beating people, kicking people!"

Panda 20 said shamefully:

"We already have enough of this kind of people!"

After hearing this, Yuji Itadori felt hurt, as if the word"useless" had stabbed him in the face.

At this time, Megumi Fushiguro stood up and said:

"During the time this guy died, he was specially trained by Fan.

Fan! Give me your evaluation."

Lin Fan glanced at Yuji Itadori, then said with a smile:

"Let him deal with Toudou Aoi alone, he can handle it."

Lin Fan's words surprised everyone.

As the strongest person in the team, Lin Fan's words were authoritative, and they believed in him.

But in such a short time, Yuji Itadori became able to deal with Toudou Aoi. Isn't this too incredible?

However, since he had undergone Lin Fan's secret training, they could understand it to some extent.

Lin Fan's training......It's not something a human can bear.......

On the other side, at the Kyoto school meeting,

Rakuganji Yoshinobu said with a gloomy face:

"Kill Sukuna's container, Itadori Yuji!

He is not a human, so he will not be held accountable and it will be treated as an accident.

Don't worry, don't hesitate!

It's best to kill him with one strike!

Don't give him a chance to breathe, or else something unexpected will happen!"

Miraki Kasumi broke out in a cold sweat, the thing she hated the most still happened.

Can't everyone be more peaceful?

At this time, Zenin Shinji raised a question and said:

"What's the point of talking about whether to kill him or not? He is here because he won't die."

Le Yansi Jiashen replied with a gloomy face:

"I heard that Yuji Itadori died last time by suicide.

What should you pay attention to when giving the enemy magician the final blow, Kamo?"

Kamo Kenji, who had been closing his eyes, nodded and replied:

"In order to prevent the sorcerer from turning into a cursed spirit after death, he must be killed with cursed power!"

Rakuganji Yoshinobu:"That's right.

As long as we use cursed power to give him the final blow, there will be no problem!

Now the control of the body is in the hands of Itadori Yuji. As long as Sukuna doesn't show up, there is only one life!

We must take action......"

Before Leyanji Jiashen finished speaking, Dongtang Aoi kicked the door of the conference room and said in a cold voice:

"Boring! If you want to do it, just do it yourself!"

After saying that, Toudou Aoi was about to leave.

However, Kamo Kenji stopped him:

"Come back, Toudou!

The principal hasn't finished speaking yet.

Toudou Aoi turned around and said coldly:

"Takada will be the guest of the walking show starting at 11 o'clock!

Do I need to explain more?"

Kamo Kenji frowned and whispered:

"Just record it, come back!"

Dongtang Aoi looked unhappy and said harshly:

"I want to watch both the live broadcast and the video!"

He asked sternly with a cold look in his eyes:

"Are you looking down on me! ?"

The feeling of oppression for a moment made the hairs of several people stand up!

Dongtang Aoi put away his power, pointed at everyone and said:

"Listen to me!

Old man, listen to me too!

You have no taste for women, and I have been disappointed!

You can use conspiracy, conspiracy, strategy, and tactics as you like!

But if you dare to order me around next time,.......I will kill you!!!"

After saying that, Toudou Aoi left without looking back.

It would be better for him to exchange experiences with Lin Fan than to stay here!

What a bunch of boring people!

After Toudou Aoi left, the principal Leyan Temple Jiashen also left with a gloomy face.

Sanlun Xia said helplessly:

"What should I do now?

He looks like he won't act according to the plan, right?

The principal is gone now.

I don't want to be killed by that guy......."

At this time, Xigong Tao interjected: (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This is fine, he will definitely go straight to the Tokyo camp anyway. Let him make a scene.

We can take this opportunity to focus on completing the team competition, isn't that good?"

Zenyuan Zhenyi questioned:

"But, we can't not kill Yuji Itadori, right?"

Miwa Kasumi was resisting. Do we really want to do this?

Zenin Mai continued:

"That guy won't kill, right?

Although it looks like he will."

Ultimate Mechanical Maru:"Then someone needs to monitor Toudou and give Yuji the final blow."

Miwa Kasumi shrank back. I don't want to!

But after thinking about it, she finally sighed and said:

"We still need to exorcise the cursed spirits, so isn't it just right for two people to work together now?"

Kamo Kenji denied.


The presence of a half-baked person like Itadori Yuji among the sorcerers affiliated with the technical high school is a big problem.

The exchange meeting is secondary. As a direct descendant of the Kamo family, I cannot turn a blind eye!

Let's all attack Itadori Yuji together!"

At this time, Nishimiya Momo interrupted again:


What if Itadori-san and Inujuki-san are together?

It's a bit risky for everyone to appear in front of the curse master.

The worst possibility is that they will be caught in one fell swoop!"

Ultimate Mechanical Maru:"Indeed."

Kamo Kenji denied:


As long as you know the spell is coming, it's not that scary.

Besides, his spell is not unlimited.

What worries me most now is not the spell master, but the man named Lin Fan!

The information shows that he has the ability to deal with the first-level curse spirit. We can't treat him as a freshman!

Currently, the only ones who can deal with the first-level curse spirit are Dongtang, Jijiawan and myself.

So this Lin Fan should not be underestimated!

Besides, I always feel that this person is not simple!

He is really too calm.......

Just like a pool of stagnant water, without any waves, you can't tell the depth!

But the more such people are, the more terrifying they are!

Often their strength is unfathomable!

However, now I hope I am just worrying too much.

So if you meet Lin Fan, you must be more careful!"

At this time, Chanyuan Zhenyi smiled and said:

"Leave Lin Fan to me.

I think he will be a kind and gentle man, right?

If possible, leave Maki to me as well."

Kamo Kenji said without giving any face:

"Your remarks are on the same level as Toudou's, they are ridiculous!"

Zenin Shin'ei was immediately furious, but she dared not speak.

Kamo Kenji continued:

"Try to avoid Lin Fan and Gojumaki Satoru as much as possible, and avoid conflicts as much as possible.

Find Yuji Itadori and attack him directly, don't hesitate!

Catch him off guard!

A one-hit kill is best!"

In the team competition observation room.

Angehime, who was drinking hot tea, asked Gojo Satoru:

"Don’t you have anything to say?"

Gojo Satoru was slightly stunned and answered irrelevantly:

"What are you angry about?"

An Geji replied speechlessly:

"I'm not angry."

Gojo Satoru nodded:

"That's right, I didn't do anything.

It's just that I didn't bring you any souvenirs.

I'll just buy more next time."

An Utahime's expression turned angry, she gritted her teeth, and suddenly became unhappy.

What does it have to do with souvenirs!

I just don't like you!

But An Utahime didn't say these words.

At this time, Gojo Satoru suddenly said with a serious look:

"There are people and curse masters in the high school......Or maybe it's a conspiracy with the cursed spirits."

The Ange was shocked!

She asked loudly:


A curse master is fine, but a curse spirit......This is too much!"

Gojo Satoru continued expressionlessly:

"Cursed spirits of that level have been popping up recently.

They understand human language, form cliques, and act according to the plan.

Maybe that person thinks that he is just colluding with the curse master, so I want to get rid of the song girl and investigate the Kyoto side."

An song girl asked puzzledly:

"Aren't you afraid that I'm the traitor?"

Gojo Satoru waved his hand with a smile on his face, and said jokingly:

"No, no.

The singer is so weak, she can't possibly have the guts."

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