Before Gojo Satoru could finish, An Utahime threw the hot teacup in her hand over to him!

However, it was blocked by Gojo Satoru's unlimited technique.

Gojo Satoru said jokingly:

"Horrible, you really don't like me from the bottom of your heart."

Angeji yelled:

""Get out of here!!!"

As soon as Angeji finished her roar, the principals of the two schools, Masamichi Yagae and Yoshinobu Rakuganji, pushed the door open and walked in.

They happened to see this scene.

Angeji blushed and quickly straightened her posture, pretending that nothing happened.

Masamichi Yagae and Yoshinobu Rakuganji also pretended that they saw nothing and took their seats.

No one said a word, and the atmosphere was very awkward.

Not long after, a tall beauty with long hair covering her eyes walked into the observation room.

Her name was Meimei, and she was the former assistant supervisor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu High School. She was a first-level sorcerer.

Now she is a freelance sorcerer.

Meimei took her seat.

Gojo Satoru saw that everyone was there and checked the time.

Then he looked at the two sides eager to try on the monitor screen and picked up the phone.���Said:

"The competition will start in one minute.

Next, we would like to invite Teacher An Utahime to give us a heartfelt encouragement!"

""Huh?" Ange was startled. She was obviously unprepared. Gojo Satoru was teasing her on purpose.

But since they had already set her up, she couldn't help but say something:


Um......Although injuries are unavoidable,......Sometimes we have to help each other......."

"It's time!"

Before An Utahime could finish, Gojo Satoru interrupted her mercilessly.

Then An Utahime's roar could be heard on the radio:

"I said Gojo! You!"

Gojo Satoru ignored her and continued to speak into the microphone:

"Then, sister school exchange meeting......start!"

"Show some respect to your seniors!!!"

The broadcast was cut off in the midst of Ian Utaha's roar.......

After Gojo Satoru said"start", the two teams rushed into the competition venue from the east and west gates!

Seeing everyone running, Yoshino Junpei hurriedly wanted to follow the big group.

However, he was held down by Lin Fan's big hand.

Lin Fan said with a relaxed look:

"Why are you in such a hurry? We don't need to follow them.

Just follow me, relax, and treat it as watching a movie."

Yoshino Junpei nodded in shame.

Is it really okay to be so casual in such a tense game?

However, Yoshino Junpei still underestimated Lin Fan's comfort and entered the competition venue.

Lin Fan walked in the sunshine and breeze, looking very happy. He didn't look like a game at all, more like a tourist.

He took a deep breath of fresh air and couldn't help but sighed:

"I've never been here, but I didn't expect the scenery to be so nice."

Yoshino Junpei followed Lin Fan nervously. After all, he was here for the competition, and there were so many cursed spirits here, how could he not be nervous!

In the competition observation room,

An Uta-chan laughed without any image, holding her stomach while laughing, tears streaming down her face.

She said to Gojo Satoru sarcastically:

"Your team is really......There are so many talented people, hahahaha~!"

Gojo Satoru had a faint smile on his face, not caring about the Ange who took the opportunity to mock him.

But Gojo Satoru didn't care, but Yega Masamichi cared a lot!

The exchange meeting between the two schools is to see the students of the two schools show their talents and win glory for the schools!

At this time, Yega Masamichi had a dark face and veins on his forehead.

This kid!

Even if you are not allowed to cause trouble, you have to pretend to do it, right?

Are you here to travel?

Mingming looked at Lin Fan on the monitor and became interested.

Her red lips curled up slightly, and then she used the Black Bird technique to share the field of vision and observe Lin Fan at all times.

However, as soon as the black bird landed on a branch near Lin Fan, it was discovered by Lin Fan.

This made Mingming even more interested.

She murmured to herself:


Lin Fan, who was in the competition venue, glanced at the black crow on the tree branch.

Was it the mysterious black bird technique?

However, Lin Fan ignored it and continued to walk with Yoshino Junpei.

On the other side, in the Tokyo team,

Yuji Itadori, who was running in the middle of the team, asked:

"Where would the leader be?"

The panda explained:

"It should be placed in the middle of the two schools.

But the cursed spirits will not just sit there."

Zenin Maki said to Yuji Itadori:

"At the agreed time, we will split into the Panda Team and the Hui Team, which are good at searching for enemies.

"After that, I'll ask you to hold back Toudou Aoi, Yuji."

Yuji Itadori answered confidently,"Understood!"

At this time, the shikigami Black Jade Dog running in the front suddenly barked twice.

Everyone looked forward, and there suddenly appeared a fourth-level spider curse spirit.

"Where are you going?~......"

The panda said expressionlessly:


Zenin Maki waved her first-level cursed tool, Fanchen, ready to get rid of the small fish that was blocking the way.

But at this moment, the black jade dog suddenly sent a signal to Fushiguro Megumi!

Fushiguro Megumi immediately shouted nervously:

"Senior! Stop!" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Suddenly, there was a loud bang!

The spider curse spirit was blown away by a huge force that raised dust!

After the dust cleared, a shirtless man with muscular body, Aoi Toudou, appeared in front of everyone.

All members of the Tokyo team quickly took a fighting stance, ready to fight at any time.

Aoi Toudou looked at everyone and laughed and said:

"Great! I finally found you guys!"

When Yuji Itadori saw his target appear, he rushed forward and tried to hold back Aoi Todou.

However, Aoi Todou glanced at everyone, frowned and said:

"Is my big brother not here?

What bad luck!"

Then Toudou Aoi passed by everyone and ran away!


Everyone was confused.

What's going on?

Yuji Itadori turned around with a stupid look on his face and asked:

"Should I catch up with him?

Zenin Maki nodded speechlessly.

Then he shouted:


The team disbanded on the spot, scattered and rushed in different directions.

Yuji Itadori also went after Toudou Aoi with a speechless look on his face.

On the other side, Lin Fan was walking here. He suddenly stopped.

Yoshino Junpei asked in confusion:

"What's wrong?

Is there a curse spirit?"

Lin Fan looked in one direction and replied calmly:

"Someone is coming."

As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, a voice sounded!

""Big brother!"

Dongtang Kui's burly body ran at full speed, raising a cloud of dust wherever he passed.

Lin Fan looked at Dongtang Kui speechlessly and asked:

"What are you doing here?"

Dongtang Aoi grinned and said:

"Of course I want to compete with you, big brother!

This is the most interesting thing in this exchange meeting!

Come on, big brother!

Let me see your strength!"

Lin Fan rubbed his forehead with a headache and said:

"Go away! Go and fight with Yuji Itadori. Why would you fight me?"

Toudou Aoi smiled and refused:

"That won’t do!

I won’t leave without seeing my big brother’s strength!

Big brother, don’t let me down!

Even if you are my big brother, I won’t show mercy if you are not strong enough!

After all, I am not the kind of man who doesn’t understand romance!"

As soon as Toudou Aoi finished speaking, he thrust forward and punched Lin Fan!

Lin Fan sighed, what a fool!

Then he grabbed Yoshino Junpei, took him to a distance and put him down, saying:

"Wait for me here."

Yoshino Junpei nodded.

Then Lin Fan flashed back to Toudou Aoi.

Since he couldn't hide, he might as well have some fun.

Lin Fan hooked his finger, smiled contemptuously and said:

"Come on! Since you want to play so much, I will play with you!"

Seeing Lin Fan's smile that didn't take him seriously at all, Dongtang Kui was not angry, but even more excited! Right!

This is how a big brother should be!

Not bad!

Dongtang Kui laughed wildly and punched Lin Fan again!

Seeing this, Lin Fan didn't dodge or evade.

After he got the timing right, just when Dongtang Kui's fist was approaching, he also punched!

The two fists collided instantly!

There was a huge sound!

The huge force formed by the collision of the two fists immediately formed a shock wave!

The shock wave brought a strong wind and blew towards the two people!

Blowing their hair swaying!

At this time, Lin Fan showed a grim smile and said:

""Nice power!"

As soon as the words fell, a violent aura instantly emanated from Lin Fan's body!

The terrifying sense of oppression made Dongtang Aoi, who had been fighting on the battlefield for a long time, stunned!

Then his face began to become solemn.

What a strong aura!

What a great power!

PS: Add one more chapter (3500 words)

Suddenly I feel that Nishimiya Tao is cute and pretty.

The author will put a few more pictures of her!

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