Now Lin Fan's cursed human body has already been upgraded from A- to A!

It can be said that Lin Fan can now fight against the top-level cursed spirits with the strength of his body!

Or the more elementary special-grade cursed spirits can also be fought with his body!

And Toudou Aoi is not bad either. With the blessing of the cursed power, his body is not only not inferior to the A-cursed human body, but even slightly better!

But it's a pity.

Although Toudou Aoi has rich practical experience, it is only practical experience against cursed spirits. The practical experience of fighting against humans is still a little lacking.

On the contrary, Lin Fan's practical experience in fighting against humans is top-notch!

So even if Lin Fan only uses the cursed human body to fight Toudou Aoi, he can still suppress her steadily!

But what Lin Fan wants is not suppression!

He wants to release!

After feeling that Toudou Aoi is equal to his current strength, the violent character in Lin Fan's heart was aroused!

So at this moment, he showed a grim smile on his face!

He said to Toudou Aoi with great interest:

"From now on!

I will not dodge any of your attacks!

So! Attack me with all your might!

Otherwise......I will beat you to death!"

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he punched Dongtang Kui!

Dongtang Kui dodged sideways!

He dared not be arrogant now!

Because Lin Fan's strength was actually equal to his! If he took a punch head-on, he would definitely get hurt!

So he could only avoid it, and then attacked Lin Fan as well, throwing a hook punch!

Sure enough, Lin Fan did not dodge, and took the punch head-on!

Dongtang Kui punched Lin Fan on the side of his face, but he was still a little hesitant, so he withdrew some of his strength.

Lin Fan spat out a mouthful of blood and phlegm, and said with some disappointment:

"Is that all you have?

Don't let me look down on you, Dongtang!

Fight with confidence!

My ability......It's immortality!"

Dongtang Kui was stunned.


Is there such an inhuman ability?

After a moment of shock, Dongtang Kui finally showed a crazy grin and said:

""Okay! Then I will let you enjoy yourself today!"

After that,

Dongtang Kui's pupils glowed red!

He grinned and attacked Lin Fan frantically!

He punched and kicked him!

The attack was like a rainstorm, falling madly!

Lin Fan didn't even take a defensive posture, letting Dongtang Kui's heavy fists and iron feet fall on his body.

"Very good! Very good!!!

This kind of punch-to-flesh feeling is the most refreshing!


Lin Fan laughed wildly, and then his eyes were filled with madness!

A real man!

This is how hand-to-hand combat should be!

He was ready to fight with all his might!

Even if he killed Dongtang Aoi, Lin Fan could save her!

With Dongtang Aoi's crazy attack like a rainstorm, Lin Fan took the damage and threw a heavy punch with a grim smile on his face! Dongtang

Aoi, who had rich practical experience, instantly raised his arms to block and quickly got into a defensive posture!

However, Lin Fan's heavy punch was extremely powerful!

Although he quickly prepared for defense, he was still knocked back several steps by Lin Fan's huge force!

Dongtang Aoi laughed loudly!

He blurted out:

""Great! Come again!

Come again!"

The two men tangled and fought again!

Wherever their fists and feet hit, there would be terrible loud noises!

Before long, broken wood and gravel were everywhere!

Lin Fan's smile became more and more crazy, and Dongtang Aoi's bloodiness was also aroused!

Dongtang Aoi simply didn't hide! He just attacked madly with a grim smile on his face!

The two men were completely defenseless, and soon they were beaten to a bloody mess, with wounds on their bodies constantly appearing!

The only difference was that although Lin Fan was covered in blood, he didn't have the slightest scar! But

Dongtang Aoi, who had been beaten crazy, didn't notice this at all.

His mind was full of attack! Attack! Non-stop attack!

Yoshino Junpei, who was watching the battle from a distance, had been stunned.

Is this a fight that humans can have?

Too brutal!

"What's going on?"

A voice suddenly came from beside Yoshino Junpei, and he was so scared that his heart almost jumped out!

After he saw that the person coming was Yuji Itadori, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Yoshino Junpei looked at him with resentment, as if to say, don't you know that scaring others can kill them?

Yuji Itadori smiled innocently and scratched his head:

"Sorry, they are......What's going on?"

Yoshino Junpei shook his head and replied:

"I don't know.

They just started fighting for no reason."

Yuji Itadori was speechless.

Why did Toudou Aoi have to fight Lin Fan when she could have fought anyone else?

Isn't this asking for trouble ? It didn't take long for Toudou Aoi to reach his limit.

He was exhausted and injured so badly that he fell straight down.

Toudou Aoi, who was lying on the ground, breathed in the air greedily.

He was so tired!


It was so refreshing! It had been a long time since I had such a good time!

However, Toudou Aoi was refreshed, and Lin Fan's interest had just started.

After seeing that Toudou Aoi was no longer able to fight, he pouted his lips in disappointment and sat down next to him.

Toudou Aoi saw Lin Fan sitting next to him and said quickly:

"No more fighting!

I am convinced today!

Big brother, you are really tough!"

Lin Fan did not speak, but put his hand on Dongtang Kui.

Then Dongtang Kui looked at his injuries with a shocked face and recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The shocked Dongtang Kui asked in disbelief:

"Brother, can you also reverse the spell?"

"Of course! He knows so much that he won't use his full strength to attack you." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this time, Yuji Itadori came over from a distance and said.

Then Yoshino Junpei followed and asked with concern:

"Fan! Are you okay?"

Lin Fan nodded to show that he was fine.

Yuji Itadori was still smiling and said:

"It would be strange if he was in trouble, he is immortal!"

Yoshino Junpei was shocked, immortal!???

Lin Fan glanced at Yuji Itadori and said speechlessly:

"You are the only one who talks too much!"

After recovering from his injuries, Toudou Aoi also stood up.

The first thing he did when he got up was to ask Lin Fan:

""Brother! Is what he said just now true?

You didn't even use your full strength?"

Before Lin Fan could reply, Yuji Itadori said with a smug look on his face:

"Is there any need to ask this?

If he uses all his strength, you probably won't be able to withstand a single blow!"

Lin Fan stood up and kicked Yuji Itadori, saying unhappily:

"You're the only one who talks too much!"

Yuji Itadori begged for mercy and vowed never to answer again.

Todou Aoi stood up and asked eagerly:

"Is it true, big brother!?"

Lin Fan replied helplessly:

"You can say that."

Dongtang Aoi's expression suddenly became excited and he asked again:

"Then, big brother! Can you let me see it?

I will transfer all my cursed power to my arms for defense!

Anyway, big brother, you can also reverse the spell, so if I can't bear it, you can restore it for me!"

Lin Fan looked at Dongtang Aoi with a strange expression and asked:

"Are you sure?"

Toudou Aoi nodded seriously.

Yuji Itadori picked his nose and said to Yoshino Junpei beside him:

"Let's go, let's stay away.

This guy is looking for death, don't let him affect us!"

Yoshino Junpei nodded with lingering fear.

These two people are too scary!

Seeing that Toudou Aoi wanted to see his strength so much, Lin Fan sighed, nodded and agreed:

"All right then."

Toudou Aoi showed a delighted expression and quickly took a defensive posture.

He mobilized all the magic power in his body and concentrated it all on his arms!

Immediately, Toudou Aoi's veins popped out and his skin turned slightly red!

Then he put his arms in front of his chest, showed an excited smile and said:

""Brother! I'm ready!"

In fact, Lin Fan didn't want to show his strength.

It's not that he had any taboos, but he was too lazy to do so, and there was no need to do so.

But thinking that he was here to compete after all

, he had to pretend and show some effort, right?

Lin Fan smiled faintly and said softly:

"Eight Gates of Dunjia! The fourth gate! Open!"

A green airflow suddenly filled Lin Fan's body!

His whole body was red, and veins were bulging!

White steam would spurt out with every breath!

His hair was blown upright by the green airflow and light waves!

The momentum was overwhelming and terrifying!

Then Lin Fan shouted again:


The green airflow and light waves around Lin Fan suddenly surged!

His body became even redder, as if blood was about to ooze out!

In an instant, Lin Fan was surrounded by the strong wind brought by the green light wave and airflow! The surrounding trees were shaking and dust was flying!

Looking at the strong wind, Yuji Itadori couldn't help swallowing his saliva and said to Junpei Yoshino:

"Should we stay further away?"

After hearing this, Yoshino Junpei nodded in agreement!

The two of them retreated quickly and ran far away, fearing that they would be affected.

Aoi Toudou, who was not far away, had already been blown so hard that he couldn't open his eyes.

The skin on his face was blown into pieces.

Aoi Toudou struggled to keep his eyes open. He wanted to record this exciting scene!

But at this moment, an idea came to his mind.

That is, can I catch it?

However, before he could think about it any further. Lin Fan's fist had already fallen!

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment!

Then a sudden loud noise broke this brief moment. The peaceful sounds not only spread throughout the game, but also set off a huge dust and smoke! Instead, he missed him and hit him behind him. Grandd Da 1!

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