The entire competition venue was penetrated by Lin Fan!

A wide straight passage was formed.

At this time, Dongtang Aoi's eyes were dull, and he could no longer describe his feelings at the moment.

If this attack landed on him, wouldn't he be..~....

Dong Tang Kui immediately swallowed his saliva with lingering fear.

Fortunately, Lin Fan didn't really hit him, otherwise there would be nothing left!

Team competition observation room.

An Geji, who laughed at Lin Fan at the beginning, was stunned!

This......This this......This is too strong, isn't it? ? ?

He's cheating!

Is it really that outrageous? ? ?

Just thinking about how I just laughed at him, but now he's several times stronger than me, a teacher.

Suddenly, Iori Utahime's face flushed with shame and embarrassment.

No wonder Gojo Satoru didn't say a word!

It turns out he did it on purpose!

This idiot!

How mean!!!

Iori Utahime glared at Gojo Satoru and asked:

"Did you know this a long time ago?"

Gojo Satoru said with a puzzled look:

"Know what?"

Angeji gritted her teeth in anger, but she knew she was in the wrong, so she could only snort coldly and ignored Gojo Satoru.

Mingming closed her beautiful eyes, and the smile on her face became even brighter.

She had read Lin Fan's information.

Although it was very basic, one thing was clearly written.

That was Lin Fan's assets!

He was rich enough to rival a country!

So Mingming became interested in Lin Fan from the beginning.

After this observation, Mingming came to a conclusion.

He is rich, handsome, powerful, and has a good figure!

Of course!

The main thing is that he is rich!

There is such a perfect man in the world!

I really want to hold him in my palm!

Ye Mo Zhengdao twitched his eyes when he saw this scene, and the cup in his hand was almost crushed!

Seeing the pierced competition venue, Ye Mo Zhengdao was so angry that his teeth itched!

This stinky boy!

He had to pretend What the hell!!!

This time!

How much money will be lost!!!


We must get it back after the game is over!

At this time, Rakuganji Yoshinobu looked at the monitor screen, and his expression became solemn.

This Lin Fan is really a big variable!

If Yuji Itadori had been near him, how could he kill him! ?

In the competition venue.

Lin Fan's punch not only penetrated the competition venue, but also made the people of Kyoto School hiding nearby dare not act rashly!

Kamo Kenji narrowed his eyes and looked solemn.

The worst situation really happened!

This person!

So terrifying!

Now they can only look for opportunities, and they can only take action after Lin Fan and Yuji Itadori are separated!

On the other side, Panda looked blankly at the gully that ran through the competition venue.

He asked in a daze:

"This is......Who did it?

It couldn't be Lin Fan......."

Inugami Stake:"Boyuhana."

Kugisaki Nobara said with a shocked look:

"Although I have never seen Lin Fan show off his skills,

I have heard Fushiguro talk about it. I thought he was joking before. But now it seems that he is probably the only one who can do such a scene!......So handsome!

Only a man like this is worthy of me, Kugisaki Nobara!"

Panda was speechless......

Deep in the woods.

On a tree branch.

Nishimiya Tao sat on the branch, frowning in pain.

She was flying in the sky and delivering information.

Suddenly, she was blown away by a hurricane!

"Who is this?

Do you have any sense of public morality?"

Xigong Tao rubbed his little head that was hit and hurt.

Then he reluctantly cast a spell, rode the flying broom again, flew into the air, and prepared to find his teammates.

The scene returned to Lin Fan.

Dongtang Kui was stunned and couldn't come back to his senses.

Because at this moment, many pictures suddenly burst out in his mind.

He fell into a movie-like fantasy!

It was a rebellious age.

Dongtang Kui was labeled as a poor student because of his poor academic performance. Whatever he did, he would be targeted by teachers of various subjects.

He simply gave up.

His idea was, since you think I am a bad student, then I will do some rebellious things.

Not long after, he became a bad boy and a gangster.

The whole Idle and doing nothing all day.

Until one day, a special head teacher came to the class.

His name was Lin Fan. He was tall, handsome and young. He seemed to have his own aura. He was loved by all the classmates as soon as he came.

In fact, Dongtang Kui liked this teacher very much when he saw Lin Fan for the first time.

However, he has always been prejudiced against teachers, so he doesn't have a good impression of this new teacher.

He feels that all teachers in the world are the same.

They only define the quality of students by their grades.

So Lin Fan is naturally no exception! (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

However, Dongtang Kui was wrong.

After getting along for a while, Dongtang Kui was surprised to find that this Lin Fan... The teacher actually treats all students equally!

I have bullied him several times, but he was not angry at all.

Instead, he advised me to do what I want to do and told me some great truths.

But Toudou Aoi is not so easily shaken!

He thinks this is just the hypocrisy of the teacher! He is probably just putting on an act in front of others!

However, until one day.

Toudou Aoi and his gang of gangster brothers offended a powerful underground organization nearby.

They were beaten badly that day.

But the boss of the underground organization had no intention of letting them go.

He even wanted to bury them alive!

Maybe this is the difference between gangsters and underground organizations. One seems to be very bad, but he is only brave enough to fight. It was just a fight.

The other one was ruthless, murderous and arsonous, they could do anything!

It was that time that Toudou Aoi got scared.

It rained heavily that day, and the rain hit them with crackling sounds.

Toudou Aoi and his gangster brothers were thrown into a large pit that had been dug.

The members of the underground organization above were filling the pit with soil and laughing at them.

Toudou Aoi was scared!

He was really scared! He also regretted it!

If he had studied hard from the beginning, would this result have happened?

But even if he regretted it now, it was too late.

But just when Toudou Aoi closed his eyes in despair.

He found that the members of the underground organization seemed to have stopped filling the pit.

0 Ask for flowers

Dong Tang Kui opened his eyes and looked up in confusion.

Although it was raining heavily, it was not difficult to hear all kinds of crackling fighting sounds and all kinds of screams and wails coming from above!

Not long after, Dong Tang Kui saw a man who looked like an angel appearing above the deep pit.

It was as if warm sunshine shone into his dark world!

At this time, Lin Fan squatted above the deep pit, looking at Dong Tang Kui in the deep pit worriedly.

After seeing that he was still alive, he couldn't help but chuckle and said:

"You are really lucky!"

After saying that,

Lin Fan jumped into the deep pit and rescued several people. The rescued Dongtang Kui stared blankly at the underground organization members lying on the ground, and then stared blankly at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly and asked with some amusement:

"What are you looking at? Do you think the teacher is too handsome?"

Dongtang Aoi nodded seriously.

Lin Fan shook his head with a smile and said:

"You kid! All you do is hang around all day!

How can you be as interested in studying as hanging around in society? You really don't know how to appreciate the blessings you have."

After saying that, Lin Fan was about to leave.

He walked in front, and Dongtang Kui followed behind.

Until the two of them came to a roof to take shelter from the rain.

Lin Fan took out the cigarette box and prepared to light one for himself.

But he found that the cigarette was soaked.

Lin Fan was a little speechless and threw the cigarette box to the ground.

Dongtang Kui remained silent along the way.

Finally at this moment he whispered to Lin Fan:

"I'm sorry, teacher."

Lin Fan was slightly stunned, then smiled and said:


You have nothing to be sorry for.......Isn't that right?

There will always be things that make you regret, there will always be those unbearable memories.

But people always have to grow up.

The more setbacks you encounter, the stronger you will become."

Toutang Kui looked up at Lin Fan's eyes and asked curiously:

"Teacher! What did you do before?"

Lin Fan's eyes were deep. He looked at the heavy rain above his head and slowly said:

"me......Before, he was just a person who had accomplished nothing."

Under the dim street lights,

Dongtang Kui could clearly see that under Lin Fan's shirt, which was soaked by rain, he had tattoos and various scars all over his body.

These were enough to explain everything.

For the first time in his life, Dongtang Kui sincerely admired someone.

That person was Lin Fan in front of him!

He gritted his teeth and said what was in his heart:

"Teacher! I want to be your disciple!"

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head.

Dongtang Kui was a little disappointed.

Was he rejected?

However, Lin Fan said

"Am I not your teacher?

If you can pass the final exam, I will teach you how to fight, how about that?"

Dongtang Aoi immediately raised his head, his eyes lit up!

He nodded excitedly and agreed:

"Teacher! I will work hard!"

The two smiled at each other, and it seemed that this rainy day had become warm.......

Dong Tang Kui quit the fantasy.

At this time, he was already in tears.

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